Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Aztec And Maya - 930 Words

As an archeologist, solving the puzzle about our past generations isn’t easy to analyze without written forms of communication. In a perfect world, every important aspect of each and every culture before us would be well documented in written texts. We can however, make inferences and analyze the artifacts and other forms of communication that are excavated from various sties around the globe. There are many different forms of important artifacts from the mesoamerican culture that shaped state authority and control. Mesoamerica is a culture and region in Mexico/northern South America, that existed from 3500 BCE to 1697 AD. Two important cultures within mesoamerica are the Aztec and Maya. More specifically, three examples of these important artifacts are the Templo Mayor, the Maya stelae and the ritual of bloodletting. These are great examples because each presents a different type of artifact and contributes to different aspects of state authority. The Templo Mayor (Spanish fo r â€Å"Great Temple†) was a historic temple for the Aztec Empire in the city/capital Tenochtitlan. Most of what we know about the temple is based on writings and other records, since it is not standing today. The temple was first built in 1325, but was destroyed by the Spanish in 1521. The temple was devoted to two gods; Huitzilopochtli, god of war and Tlaloc, god of rain (Glancey, 2015). The site of Templo Mayor is located in modern day Mexico City and covers about 800 meters squared in area. While thisShow MoreRelatedThe Maya And Aztec Civilizations866 Words   |  4 PagesThe Maya and Aztec civilizations were both indigenous people that flourished in Mesoamerica. Maya s classic period dates from 250 to 900 AD, which was considered to be the peak of their civilization. They covered much of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and were centered in what is now known as Guatemala. The Aztecs dominated in the post classic period from 1325 to 1521 AD, in what is now modern day Mexi co. Although, the Aztec and Maya s were from different time periods they shared cultural similaritiesRead More the aztec and maya Essay721 Words   |  3 PagesThe Aztec and Maya were both American Indian people. The Aztec were ruled by a mighty empire in Mexico during the 1400s and early 1500s. The Maya however, developed a magnificent civilization in Central America and Southern Mexico. Both civilizations contributed a great deal to the modern world and invented items that are still used today. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;According to the Aztec Legend, the ancestors of the people who founded Tenochtitlan, came to the Valley of Mexico. The Aztec wanderedRead MoreThe Culture Of The Mayas, And The Aztecs1693 Words   |  7 Pagespaper. The culture of the Mayas, and the Aztecs has been extremely fundamental in understanding my ancestry, being that I am Mexican American. I took an interest in their beautiful architecture, their ritualistic and sacrificial religious practices, as well as their history and how they began. Throughout this paper I will outline the similarities and differences of these two cultures, as well as articulate an understanding of the humanity disciplines outlined above. The Maya are probably the best-knownRead MoreMaya, Inca, And Aztec Societies903 Words   |  4 Pagescase for Maya, Inca, and Aztec societies. Maya culture relied heavily on the female population. Before, agrarian labor was seen as a male domineering field; however, studies of the Classic Maya culture indicates farming was a communal occupation. All citizens, including children, participated in farming and other domestic tasks central to the communities upkeep. Roles in politics were also open to women, and contextual evidence â€Å"indicate[s] that women played important roles .. [in] Maya, politics†Read MoreThe Ancient Empires Are The Maya, Aztec And Inca1273 Words   |  6 PagesThe three ancient empires are the Maya, Aztec and Inca. Indigenous had no resistance to smallpox and measles. Mulattos have mixed African and Iberian ancestry. Mestizos are people with mixed ancestry, specifically Amerindian and Spanish ancestry. Indigenous traditions, European-derived music, and African-inspired musical activity make up the music of Central America, South America, and Mexico. African influence is evident in African secular and religious practices, in instruments modeled after AfricanRead MoreTrade Between The Maya And Aztec People1476 Words   |  6 PagesWhen in fact chocolate hails from Mexico and cacao was actually used as currency between the Maya and Aztec people (Dyke, n.d.). It was also used for various medicinal purposes, from stomach ailments, fever to infections (Dyke, n.d.). The pià ±ata is something else we associate with Mexico. It actually has a long history of how it came about to what we think of today. Marco Polo, while in China witnessed a celebration where a clay bull filled with seeds was hit with a stick (Mexican Pià ±ata, nRead MoreThe Ancient Native Empires of the Inca, Maya, and the Aztecs559 Words   |  2 Pages I am going to read about three ancient native empires. They are called the Inca, Maya, and the Aztecs. They were all ancient and well known empires. The Inca and Aztecs Empires were both conquered by Spanish conqu istadores. The Maya Empire was abandoned. No one knows why. First I shall talk to you about the Inca’s, then, the Maya’s, and finally the Aztecs. The Inca became a tribe in 1200 B.C., in the Cuzco area of southwestern Peru. The other names for the Inca’s were/are Inka, Tahuantinsuyu, orRead MoreCompare and Contrast Maya, Aztec, and Inca Culture Essay677 Words   |  3 PagesCompare and contrast Maya, Aztec, and Inca culture In history we the people have found to realize that the Maya, Aztec, and Inca culture was one of the most incredible findings of their accomplishments. The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations were really smart in topics of engineering, writing, agriculture and astronomy. Also all three had their beliefs, and good with agriculture. All three cultures used great technologies in their agriculture like slash and burn, terrace farming. They all huntedRead MoreEconomy in Early American Civilizations: Maya, Aztecs and Inca865 Words   |  4 Pagescivilization was the Aztec civilization. They were located in the Valley of Mexico around the 13th to 16th century CE, and they used slash-and-burn farming to plant crops to trade. The Inca Empire existed from the 13th to the 16th century CE along the Pacific coast of South America near the Andes Mountains. The Inca used terrace farming and irrigation to grow crops such as corn. The economies of these early American civilizations were heavily b ased on trade and agriculture. The Ancient Maya civilizationRead MoreThe Aztecs And The Incas1135 Words   |  5 Pagesmillions of other stars! This is what the Aztecs and the Mayas saw every night. Both the Aztec and the Maya were a powerful and advanced civilization that were created separately from the Western European civilizations and did an amazing job doing so. Just like many other Ancient Civilizations the night sky plays a significant role in their society. Astronomy, Religion, culture and architecture are all aligned the stars. Both the Aztecs and the Maya originated in what is now the southern part

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