Friday, February 7, 2020

Conflict and negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Conflict and negotiation - Essay Example However, my colleague was hesitant to communicate this as he viewed it as lying and unethical. This form of conflict between me and my colleague can be categorised as an interpersonal conflict. As provided in the Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Model of conflict, conflict are based on two axes, mine and that of my colleague. The aspect of interpersonal conflict is brought forth by the fact that it is a variance between two individuals that does not necessarily involve any other individuals. The other two forms of conflict; intrapersonal and intergroup, do not apply. The gap between functional and dysfunctional conflict is very narrow and is more preceisely dictated by the deeds taken by each set of individuals. The classification of our conflict in this regard is extensively dependant on the position we will both take to reach a resolution. Evidently, we are both on the same side, but with different ideas on how to deal with the situation. My view is to assure the client of the fact that the order will be completed and delivered before the due date. This will make the client happy to have worked with us and wait for his order on the due date. However, my colleague believes it is appropriate to tell the truth which is that the order has still to be worked on because of the fact that there were many earlier orders yet to be completed. My view on this is that this will make the client anxious and averse our organization. My colleagues view is that my suggestions are contrary to the code of ethics. In this case, the conflict may be termed as functional where the two of us try to resolve the issue before getting back to the client. In a very distinct way, the conflict may be termed as dysfunctional where the client is reached with one’s point of view without the input of the other. Fischer (2012) illustrates the main causes of conflicts as; injustices, communication breakdown, lack of adequate resources, diversity, and incompatible goals.

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