Friday, October 4, 2019

The Olympic and Paralympic Games were held in London in Summer 2012 Dissertation

The Olympic and Paralympic Games were held in London in Summer 2012. One of the major changes to delivery of the Games that has - Dissertation Example The committee not only suggested new plans for improving the environmental issues but also had made sure that they can serve the society positively. The survey which is conducted in GSM, London, throws light on the fact that the youth are interested in sports and extracurricular activities, but due to their busy schedule they forget to take care of their health. Sports are not only refreshing but also, help in eradicating diseases to make life healthier. The youth are aware of the sport-health relationship that indicates to the fact that they can educate the mass with their knowledge and help in creating a safer and healthier world. Olympic and Paralympics Games Summer 2012 The Summer Olympic 2012 had taken place in London from 27th July to 12th August, 2012 and it was followed by Paralympics Games 2012 from 29th August to 9Th September, 2012. 205 nations had participated in the 300 events that took place in Summer Olympic. However, 147 nations joined the events of Paralympics Games 2012. ... It is also described as the mean of achieving reconciliation and peace, which is the fundamental pre-condition for the principles of sustainability that has been applied and shared by the Olympic Movement (Olympic.Org., 2013f). The following are the key stakeholders of Olympic Movement who facilitates their sustainable development: 1) International and National Sports Federations (IFs and NFs) 2) National Olympic Committees (NOCs) 3) Olympic Games and youth Olympic Games Organising Committees (OCOGs and YOCOGs) 4) Corporate sponsors 5) Media 6) Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) 7) Most importantly the public. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is in a good position to assist the building of a sustainable future by encouraging the work with major groups, regeneration of the political commitments and also, by creating a worldwide support for actions. Sustainability Plan put forward by the organisers Sustainability can be described as the continuous project that was undertake n by the Olympic Movement (OM) and was also promoted for adoption worldwide. The process of adoption started with the execution of modest green actions. The Sustainability Plan has evolved for over 20 years since the Earth Summit, 1992. In 2012, the Olympic Games were held in London and before the grand event the supervisory committee had made a Sustainability Plan which had given shape to the overall development of the whole event. This section of the report elaborates the sustainability plan that was put forward by the organisers. London 2012 The consumer lifestyles in the developed industrial nations have dramatically surpassed the productivity capacity of the Earth. The world has already undergone ecological overshoot about 40 years ago and currently, the

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