Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research paper on Scotland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research paper on Scotland - Essay Example This is a very interesting field of study as we come to know about our own origin, ancestors, the earlier civilizations like Roman or Greek ones, their contribution towards modern society and, most importantly, what we learn from them. No doubt, we have to do a thorough research but as we come to know about different cultures and societies, it becomes very interesting and curious (Marett. 1912). The location which I want to study is Scotland. I have developed an interest in it since my childhood, as our neighbors were the Scottish family and we had very good terms with them. They used to speak a different kind of English in the accent and the spellings. They were all different from us. Their food had a different variety too. Sometimes they used to tell me the Scottish history, which I found very interesting since the place exists from the time before date and it has been a part of Roman Empire too. I become more curious to learn about it with the passage of time when I study history in junior classes. So during my course, I chose Scotland to study and to know more about its history, culture, people and every aspect which could help me to understand the subject completely. Let me first tell you briefly about Scotland. Many people already know that it is an independent state of the UK, comprising of more than 790 islands with a total area of 78,387Â  km2. The capital of the state is Edinburgh which is amongst one of the economically developed cities of the world and it was actually the place from where the Scottish Enlightenment began. Glasgow and Aberdeen are other two major cities of the state which are the industrial cities. About 90% of the population is scots who want independence of their country from UK. It was an independent country before 1707, but then King James VI entered into a treaty of union to create the United Kingdom. Since then there have been numerous protests throughout

Monday, October 28, 2019

Is Odysseus a Hero Essay Example for Free

Is Odysseus a Hero Essay I feel that Odysseus, like any person, can be a hero at some times and very selfish at other times. During the war in Troy, Odysseus was surely a hero, thinking smartly and protecting his men well. However, in books nine through twelve, Odysseus is definitely not playing the role of a hero among his crew. On almost any page you turn to in the book, you can find some act of selfishness coming from Odysseus. During his journey, Odysseus performs many courageous acts. At the island of the Lotus Eaters, he rescues his men from the addiction of the lotus flower. After the Cyclops captures them in his cave, Odysseus blinds the Cyclops with a sharpened log. Then Odysseus’ men sneak out of the Cyclops cave under sheepskins. Odysseus also performs a courageous act when he steers his ship around the deadly whirlpool Charybodis and valiantly tries to defend his men from Scylla, but she strikes to fast for him causing him to lose six men. When Odysseus arrives at the island of the Sun God’s cattle, he and his crew face famine. Therefore, when Odysseus falls asleep his men slaughter some of the Sun God’s cattle. Odysseuss extreme pride and arrogance seems to cause trouble for him on many occasions throughout the book. Epic heroes ought to be proud of their accomplishments but they should not brag or expect things from people because of it. Odysseuss pride and arrogance show up throughout the book. However, one occasion seems to stick out best. In book 9 of The Odyssey, Odysseus lands on an island bordering the land of Cyclops. He watches their brutish ways for days yet he still decides to pay them a visit. His men suggest taking the cheeses and animals but Odysseus refused (The Odyssey, Book 9). Odysseus fought gloriously on behalf of the Greeks in Troy and was considered a war hero of sorts because of it. However, he became to full of himself and did not give the Gods credit for helping him. That is why Poseidon punished him. He bravely endured Poseidons punishment and in the end learned that Man is nothing without the Gods. Therefore, I guess that makes him a hero, that he endured so much and learned a valuable lesson in the end.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Meet Me in St. Louis & Raging Bull :: essays research papers

The 1940’s were a time when most were living with the effects of war every day. Whether it be stomaching the violence of war or trying to deal with the absence of male family members in the family unit, everyone was shaken by World War II. Therefore it is easy to see how a movie such as Meet Me in St. Louis was born. It takes us back to a time that is associated with wholesome family values and a world with less major problems before war had directly affected Americans of modern times. A film of a different nature, Raging Bull, takes place in these violent times displaying to us not what the people of the 1940’s longed for, rather showing some of what society lived with back then. These two movies seem as different as night and day when viewed together, yet they simply show different sides of the spectrum of the same themes. The source that led to the desire to produce such movies is one and the same, violence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although I am yet to know serious effects of war, I know what it is like to want to escape from something and to find that escape in watching a movie. For many people in the 1940’s watching Meet Me in St. Louis was they’re escape from violence in society at that time. It makes perfect sense that a movie in which the biggest conflict is whether or not a family leaves their home together would be a success in a time when family unity was not as easy to come by. Vincente Minnelli directed it and provided the audience with singing and dancing, themes of love and romance, and overall a great deal of good values. His film represents the importance of family and relationship and he is able to show us this very well on screen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mise-en-scene was one method Minnelli used in displaying this sense of family unity and value. It is apparent in scenes of family interaction, whether it is conversation in the kitchen, celebrating holidays together, or sharing a family dinner together at the table. Behavior in this movie revolves around being loving considerate family members no matter what the action. Any smiles or excitement not motivated by direction were utilized and helped keep with the movies themes. When Mr. Smith brings about the conflict of the family having to move despite their wish to stay, almost immediately the family members disperse and leave him to himself.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Human Resources department in William Hill Essay

Human Resources department in William Hill are important because they have a connection with the quality of employees and market success. William Hill will not be able to work effectively if workers are not committed to meeting corporate objectives so it is the HR management job to ensure this quality by recruiting, developing and retaining these staff. In order to do the above it is essential for HR department to look at various information internally and externally to plan for human resource. Internal and external information is important for William Hill as they need it to determine what they are doing, what they should have done, and what they are about to do. For this company to be the best and to strive to the highest levels they should make sure that they know all legislations that they need to follow in order to stay on the same side of the law. Internal in formation consist of what is happening in the business such as below: Labour Turnover This means the number of employees that leave over a period of time, are replaced and the average length of time workers stay and reason for staff wastage. This can either be advantage or become a disadvantage to William Hill. This is because it can either bring in new employees with new ideas and skills, or it can be expensive to recruit new staff. Due to high costs that it will produce, this can also become time consuming. Employees may leave because of poor career prospects, allowing little chance of promotion or simply better opportunities elsewhere. The way to measure labour turnover is: Wastage rate: No. of leavers in a period * 100 Average number of employees in the period Average No. Employees at start of period + Employees at end of period of employees: 2 Companies including William Hill can use this calculation on a yearly basis for the whole organisation or just the department. This is highly useful when used as a comparison with previous years. One disadvantage is that the equation (wastage rate) doesn’t measure the length of service of the employees that leave. Stability Index means that means how long an employee has been with the firm. It can be measure by using this formula: No. of employees with one or more years or service * 100 No. of employees at the start of the year This equation shows the stability of more loyal and settled workers. It ignores short-term workers or those most likely to leave. William Hill Labour turnover for Evelyn Street Branch is: Labour turnover = 3 * 100 = 20% 15 This result includes the amount of part time and full time workers employed in my branch. This is a really good indication that numerous workers love their job and want to stay employed in William Hill. As there is high retention levels it makes planning for human resource easier because it seems that more workers are staying. The amount of people leaving one branch would require the attention of the HR department, this is because the company can observe what is wrong and try to find ways to fix it. This would help the department as it can grow from the results of the turnover. Being able to put back into working order the things that became a problem in the past would make the company more successful from within. Age, Skills and Qualifications According to studies the older you are the more experience you would have. Analysing the age of the workers at William Hill it would show that mostly young and middle age groups are being employed. William Hill tend to take staff during night racing and hiring people around these times would be essential for the company but not for the employee, this is because in that short space of time the workers will not gain the qualifications that they need. William Hill’s most reliable staff would be the middle age groups. This is because they would be more experienced and have been in that trade for such longer period. In addition to this they will gain maximum experience and qualifications to match. Where this is rewarded by annual pay they will be more expensive to employ, their length of service may make them more expensive to make redundant. Younger staff may lack experience but they may be more receptive to change and new ideas, also they may inexpensive to recruit. When looking at the gender of William Hill you will find that most of the employees are female: FEMALE – 60% MALE – 40% There are more women on the shop floors than in the Head Office of William. Also the male population tend to be the betters and it means that the female will tend to serve them especially when it comes to individual betting shops. William Hill is a company that employ regardless of qualification or skills in providing their services to customers however it would aid employment if you had rather good maths skills, good communication skills and working with other workers as a team. But William Hill do offer training where it is needed to new or previous staff because it essential time is not wasted in not knowing what to do but being productive and offering good Customer Service. Staff Absences or sickness Staff absences cost industries in terms of money and time due to less productivity. Staff absences is not only included in absences but also bad time keeping such as arriving late and leaving early but also due to industrial accidents. Accidents at work can be avoided by the use of common sense and consideration. Hazards caused by leaving paper on the floor, having the ladder obstructing the way, blocked entrances and exits with boxes and trailing leads. So it is part of the Human Resource to keep sure that safety is kept by each shop and that appropriate planning is made for training in First Aid in case of accidents caused by other individuals. Apart from accidents the workplace can cause illness to workers in a variety of ways especially those that are doing night shift also due to constant smoking by workers and customers it may lead to further health problems in the future so this may cause absences. The staff absences in the Evelyn Branch of William Hill yearly are: Part time employees 18% Full time employees 32% Full time workers have the highest Training This can be done within the business or outside, according to the training needs of the employee. There are different types of training: Induction, Mentoring, Coaching, Apprenticeships, and Off and On the job training. Staff training is required if William Hill are to continue and to be successful to be the best in their market. The process of training is to help employees reach their maximum efficiency. William Hill will need to meet their annual targets therefore employees would need to develop their skills. At the beginning of your employment at William Hill or any other workplace you will have to have an induction. This is an introduction to the business for new employees. This can be used to familiarise the new recruits with the organisation. Based on a good induction the employee will feel at ease with the organisation and some of the employees. Your skills and qualifications may be based on your training. Your ability to gain as much knowledge as you can will be reflected in your skills to do certain jobs. Employees of William Hill will be trained to suit any area no mater what the task in question is. This will then help the company to strive to be the finest it can be. Succession and Promotion of Staff Succession is the process of staff that has left being trained and promoted although it has become common for William Hill to recruit experienced staff from outside the business it would be advantageous to start promoting those within the organisation. So in order for employees to stay and require less human resource planning it helps to encourage staff to remain loyal by giving them good career prospects. Promoting within William Hill will ensure continuity of style and culture of the organisation so that everyone watching out for each other style will still exists to continue increasing productivity. The human resource department do not always approach staff for promotion but teletexting is placed on Managers betting screen to tell staff or posters are placed out side individual LBO if they need certain staff. Nevertheless there is always that problem that internal staffs are not suitable so advertising the need for staff will have to be done for William HR department for planning for the future. External information relates to the information outside of the business and these tend to be things which are beyond William Hill’s control. So in order to overcome these problems it helps to use the PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal) analysis which looks at all aspects of the external influences which will prove crucial to the outcome of William Hill in coming years. Political With there being a stable political environment it enables William Hill to make predictions about their future because they have that degree of certainty due to knowing that the Labour government will be in power for another four years and hopefully they will stick to the same economic policies. If there was an increase in company taxation levels, this could mean that William Hill will have more cost to pay and may not be able to recruit as many staff as they previously would. For the Human Resource department it means that they may have to recruit staffs that are less ‘expensive’ such as those that don’t have as much experience as someone that may have been in the industry for 10 years. Changes to taxation levels in general would have an affect on William Hill as certain things such as concessions and incentives given to workers could increase or decrease. However some of the company expenses are tax deductible meaning that William Hill can set these off against tax burdens and may make them more willing to recruit workers if costs can be cut through not giving away company cars. The level of protectionism that the government have could affect trade and could affect demand for William Hill services hence demand for labour to supply services could fall or ascend depending on their restrictions. Economic Economic forces affect both the organisation and its customers. Depending on the sector that the business lies on the economic influences will be different. The economic environment may change, William Hill will need to understand how their suppliers and customers will be affected if they are to successfully adjust to change. Unemployment has a relationship with the demand of product or products in general. With a high unemployment level the demand for products will go down as people have less disposable income. If William Hill were to set up in an area that has low employment levels then they could make the percentage level increase thus giving the company more sales as unemployment is low. If interest rates are high then it becomes a lot more expensive for companies like William Hill to borrow money from banks, meaning that William Hill will refrain from expanding and less staff will be needed. The Human Resources Planning department may have to delayer the hierarchy of the company leaving some without a job. With high interest rates people in general will become hostile to purchasing luxury or high priced products or services therefore the demand for them will decrease. The Human Resources department would need to invent ways for this to change in their favour. Social People’s spending habits may vary during different seasons because of various races during the course of the year such as Cheltenham, The Grand National and many more. William Hill will realise this and take advantage for it. When recruiting staff WH Smith would need to think carefully on whom to take on. Taking in the knowledge that younger employees would be more responsive to change. However someone of the senior generation may offer more years of service. This will effect the HR department of WH Smith because they will need to consider a lot. Since younger people may have new skills and new ideas they may be beneficial to the company, and older employees would stay with the company longer. Technological As technology is advancing WH Smith need to move with the times by using technology They may want to make sure that their products are of the highest standards so WH Smith would use technical equipment thereby reducing the amount of staff required. If WH Smith engages in Internet sales it may also cut down the staffs that is needed. The Human Resources department will take into consideration the affect that this would have on WH Smith and they will use this to interpret the outcome for their future. Environmental Environmental issues are a very big part of all industries as everyone wants to be environmentally friendly. Some of WH Smith’s customers would like to buy recyclable products to be kind to the environment. If WH Smith were to be concerned with the environment they could buy more recyclable stationery enabling this to be part of their policy concerning the environment. There may be some customers (like me) that don’t really mind whether their goods are recyclable. To them they may think that just because they can be recycled they are not good quality, therefore they would not buy it. The HR department would need to analyse this area and make sure they know and understand the ramifications that may occur from their decisions. This could have an effect on staff as they may need to employ more people to assist with sales or not employ anyone at all. Legal All companies follow an equal opportunity policy as it is part of a legislation that all businesses should follow. For legal reasons William Hill may have to pay one employee more money than another, this would not be because one’s a man and the other is a woman, but, because one is a minor (under 16) and the other is above 18. With this policy people under 18 yrs would be paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.60 and anyone older would get à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4.20. Within this company they do not discriminate against people, this could be from sex discrimination to racial. This could effect the HR department as it could higher the cost of labour that they recruit, meaning that they would reduce the amount of staff.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Happiness in Marriage Essay

What changes did Sanger describe in married relations in recent generations? Marriage was synonymous with maternity. But the pain, the suffering, the wrecked lives of women and children that such a system caused, show us that it did not work successfully. Like all other professions, motherhood must serve its period of apprenticeship. What changes did Sanger hope would come about if unplanned pregnancies still occur in the United States? Sanger hoped if unplanned pregnancy could be prevented it would allow the husband and wife to become more stable before planning a decision of having a child. That in the end it would help them to support and afford proper care for the child. Do debates concerning birth control and unplanned pregnancies still occur in the U. S.? Yes debates still occur in the United States some churches still don’t recognize birth control and don’t allowed abortion. Are Sanger’s points still relevant and explain your decision? I would say yes, it’s still relevant because of high number of young adults having unplanned pregnancy without knowledge of the future and the risk of having a unborn child at a young age. How do Sanger’s views on marriage apply to today’s definition of ‘marriage’ (single parents, same sex parenting, and blended families). Sanger ‘s definition apply to a happy relationship between husband and wife, but for today society we have different types of parents some are in same sex, divorce and single parent who are just happy to have a children and do the responsibility of the parent even if the child is theirs or not, but for me I will not include the â€Å"OctoMom† Nadya Suleman on the single parenting because she cannot support those kids and now that it’s the tax payer’s money is suffering from her wrong doing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Antonio López de Santa Anna, 11-Time Mexican President

Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna, 11-Time Mexican President Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna (February 21, 1794–June 21, 1876) was a Mexican politician and military leader who was President of Mexico 11 times from 1833 to 1855. He was a disastrous president for Mexico, losing first Texas and then much of the current American West to the United States. Still, he was a charismatic leader, and, in general, the people of Mexico supported him, begging him to return to power time and again. He was by far the most important figure of his generation in Mexican history. Fast Facts: Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna Known For: President of Mexico 11 times, defeated U.S. troops at the Alamo, lost much Mexican territory to the U.S.Also Known As:  Antonio de Padua Marà ­a Severino Là ³pez de Santa Anna y Pà ©rez de Lebrà ³n, Santa Anna, The man who was Mexico, Napoleon of the WestBorn:  February 21, 1794 in Xalapa,  Veracruz  Parents: Antonio Lafey de Santa Anna and Manuela Perez de LabronDied:  June 21, 1876 in Mexico City, MexicoPublished Works:  The Eagle: The Autobiography of Santa AnnaAwards and Honors:  Order of Charles III,  Ã‚  Order of GuadalupeSpouse(s): Marà ­a Inà ©s de la Paz Garcà ­a, Marà ­a de los Dolores de TostaChildren: Marà ­a de Guadalupe, Marà ­a del Carmen, Manuel, and Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna y Garcà ­a. Recognized illegitimate children: Paula, Marà ­a de la Merced, Petra, and Josà © Là ³pez de Santa AnnaNotable Quote: As general-in-chief I fulfilled my duty by issuing the necessary orders for the vigilance of our camp, as a man I succumbe d to an imperious necessity of nature for which I do not believe that a charge can be justly brought against any general, much less if such a rest is taken at the middle of the day, under a tree, and in the very camp itself. Early Life Santa Anna was born in Xalapa on February 21, 1794. His parents were Antonio Lafey de Santa Anna and Manuela Perez de Labron and he had a comfortable middle-class childhood. After some limited formal education, he worked for a short time as a merchant. He longed for a military career and his father procured an appointment for him at an early age in the Army of New Spain. Early Military Career Santa Anna quickly rose through the ranks, making colonel by the age of 26. He fought on the Spanish side in the Mexican War of Independence. When he recognized that it was a lost cause, he switched sides in 1821 with Agustà ­n de Iturbide, who rewarded him with a promotion to general. During the turbulent 1820s, Santa Anna supported and then turned on a succession of presidents, including Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero. He gained a reputation as a valuable if treacherous ally. First Presidency In 1829, Spain invaded, attempting to retake Mexico. Santa Anna played a key role in defeating them- his greatest (and perhaps only) military victory. Santa Anna first rose to the presidency in the 1833 election. Ever the astute politician, he immediately turned over power to Vice President Valentà ­n Gà ³mez Farà ­as and allowed him to make some reforms, including many aimed at the Catholic Church and the army. Santa Anna was waiting to see if the people would accept these reforms. When they did not, he stepped in and removed Gà ³mez Farà ­as from power. Texas Independence Texas, using the chaos in Mexico as a pretext, declared independence in 1836. Santa Anna himself marched on the rebellious state with a massive army, but the invasion was conducted poorly. Santa Anna ordered crops burned, prisoners shot, and livestock killed, alienating many Texans who might have supported him. After he defeated the rebels at the Battle of the Alamo, Santa Anna unwisely divided his forces, allowing Sam Houston to surprise him at the Battle of San Jacinto. Santa Anna was captured and forced to negotiate with the Mexican government for recognition of Texas independence and to sign papers saying he recognized the Republic of Texas. The Pastry War and Return to Power Santa Anna returned to Mexico in disgrace and retired to his hacienda. Soon there came another opportunity to seize the stage. In 1838, France invaded Mexico in order to make them pay some outstanding debts. This conflict is known as the Pastry War.  Santa Anna rounded up some men and rushed to battle. Although he and his men were soundly defeated and he lost one of his legs in the fighting, Santa Anna was seen as a hero by the Mexican people. He would later order his leg buried with full military honors. The French took the port of Veracruz and negotiated a settlement with the Mexican government. War With the United States In the early 1840s, Santa Anna was in and out of power frequently. He was inept enough to be regularly driven out of power but charming enough to always find his way back in. In 1846, war broke out between Mexico and the United States. Santa Anna, in exile at the time, persuaded the Americans to allow him back into Mexico to negotiate a peace. Once there, he assumed command of the Mexican army and fought the invaders. American military strength (and Santa Annas tactical incompetence) carried the day and Mexico was defeated. Mexico lost much of the American West in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the war. Final Presidency Santa Anna went into exile again  but was invited back by conservatives in 1853, so he served as president for two more years. He sold some lands along the border to the United States (known as the Gadsden Purchase) in 1854 to help pay some debts. This infuriated many Mexicans, who turned on him once again. Santa Anna was driven from power for good in 1855 and went once again into exile. He was tried for treason in absentia, and all of his estates and wealth were confiscated. Schemes and Plots For the next decade or so, Santa Anna schemed at getting back into power. He attempted to hatch an invasion with mercenaries. He negotiated with the French and Emperor Maximilian in a bid to come back and join Maximilians court  but was arrested and sent back into exile. During this time he lived in different countries, including the United States, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas. Death Santa Anna finally was given an amnesty in 1874 and returned to Mexico. He was then about 80 years old and had given up any hope of returning to power. He died on June 21, 1876, in Mexico City. Legacy Santa Anna was a larger-than-life character and inept dictator. He was officially president six times, and unofficially five more. His personal charisma was astounding, on a par with other Latin American leaders such as Fidel Castro or Juan Domingo Perà ³n. The people of Mexico supported him multiple times, but he kept letting them down, losing wars and lining his own pockets with public funds time and again. Like all people, Santa Anna had his strengths and weaknesses. He was an able military leader in some respects. He could very quickly raise an army and have it marching, and his men seemed to never give up on him. He was a strong leader who always came when his country asked him to (and sometimes when they didnt ask him to). He was decisive and had some crafty political skills, often playing liberals and conservatives off against one another to build a compromise. But Santa Annas weaknesses tended to overwhelm his strengths. His legendary treacheries kept him always on the winning side  but caused people to mistrust him. Although he could always raise an army quickly, he was a disastrous leader in battles, winning only against a Spanish force at Tampico that was ravaged by yellow fever and later at the famous Battle of the Alamo, where his casualties were three times higher than those of the outnumbered Texans. His ineptitude was a factor in the loss of vast tracts of land to the United States and many Mexicans never forgave him for it. He had serious personal defects, including a gambling problem and a legendary ego. During his final presidency, he named himself dictator for life and made people refer to him as most serene highness. He defended his status as a despotic dictator. A hundred years to come my people will not be fit for liberty, he famously said. To Santa Anna, Mexicos unwashed masses could not handle self-government and needed a firm hand in control- preferably his. Santa Anna left a mixed legacy to Mexico. He provided a certain degree of stability during a chaotic time and despite his legendary corruption and incompetence, his dedication to Mexico (especially in his later years) is rarely questioned. Still, many modern Mexicans revile him for the loss of so much territory to the United States. Sources Brands, H.W. Lone Star Nation: The Epic Story of the Battle for Texas Independence. Anchor Books, 2004.Eisenhower, John S.D.  So Far from God: The U.S. War with Mexico, 1846-1848. University of Oklahoma Press, 1989.Henderson, Timothy J. A Glorious Defeat: Mexico and its War with the United States. Hill and Wang, 2007.Herring, Hubert. A History of Latin America From the Beginnings to the Present. Alfred A. Knopf, 1962Wheelan, Joseph. Invading Mexico: Americas Continental Dream and the Mexican War, 1846-1848. Carroll and Graf, 2007.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Chaco Road System - Southwestern Americas Ancient Roads

The Chaco Road System - Southwestern America's Ancient Roads One of the most fascinating and intriguing aspects of Chaco Canyon is the Chaco Road, a system of roads radiating out from many Anasazi  Great House sites such as Pueblo Bonito, Chetro Ketl and Una Vida, and leading towards small outlier sites and natural features within and beyond the canyon limits. Through satellite images and ground investigations, archaeologists have detected at least eight main roads that together run for more than 180 miles (ca 300 kilometers), and are more than 30 feet (10 meters) wide. These were excavated into a smooth leveled surface in the bedrock or created through the removal of vegetation and soil. The Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) residents of Chaco Canyon cut large ramps and stairways into the cliff rock to connect the roadways on the ridgetops of the canyon to the sites on the valley bottoms. The largest roads, constructed at the same time as many of the Great Houses  (Pueblo II phase between AD 1000 and 1125), are: the Great North Road, the South Road, the Coyote Canyon Road, the Chacra Face Road, Ahshislepah Road, Mexican Springs Road, the West Road and the shorter Pintado-Chaco Road. Simple structures like berms and walls are found sometimes aligned along the courses of the roads. Also, some tracts of the roads lead to natural features such as springs, lakes, mountain tops and pinnacles. The Great North Road The longest and most famous of these roads is the Great North Road. The Great North Road originates from different routes close to Pueblo Bonito and Chetro Ketl. These roads converge at Pueblo Alto and from there lead north beyond the Canyon limits. There are no communities along the roads course, apart from small, isolated structures. The Great North Road does not connect Chacoan communities to other major centers outside the canyon. Also, material evidence of trade along the road is scarce. From a purely functional perspective, the road seems to go nowhere. Purposes of the Chaco Road Archaeological interpretations of the Chaco road system are divided between an economic purpose and a symbolic, ideological role linked to ancestral Puebloan beliefs. The system was first discovered at the end of the 19th century, and first excavated and studied in the 1970s. Archaeologists suggested that the roads main purpose was to transport local and exotic goods inside and outside the canyon. Someone also suggested that these large roads were used to quickly move an army from the canyon to the outlier communities, a purpose similar to the road systems known for the Roman empire. This last scenario has long been discarded because of the lack of any evidence of a permanent army. The economic purpose of the Chaco road system is shown by the presence of luxury items at Pueblo Bonito and elsewhere in the canyon. Items such as macaws, turquoise, marine shells, and imported vessels prove the long distance commercial relations Chaco had with other regions. A further suggestion is that the widespread use of timber in Chacoan constructionsa resource not locally availableneeded a large and easy transportation system. Chaco Road Religious Significance Other archaeologists think instead that the main purpose of the road system was a religious one, providing pathways for periodic pilgrimages and facilitating regional gatherings for seasonal ceremonies. Furthermore, considering that some of these roads seem to go nowhere, experts suggest that they can be linkedespecially the Great North Roadto astronomical observations, solstice marking, and agricultural cycles. This religious explanation is supported by modern Pueblo beliefs about a North Road leading to their place of origin and along which the spirits of the dead travel. According to modern pueblo people, this road represents the connection to the shipapu, the place of emergence of the ancestors. During their journey from the shipapu to the world of the living, the spirits stop along the road and eat the food left for them by the living. What Archaeology tells us About the Chaco Road Astronomy certainly played an important role in Chaco culture, as it is visible in the north-south axis alignment of many ceremonial structures. The main buildings at Pueblo Bonito, for example, are arranged according to this direction and probably served as central places for ceremonial journeys across the landscape. Sparse concentrations of ceramic fragments along the North Road have been related to some sort of ritual activities carried out along the roadway. Isolated structures located on the roadsides as well as on top of the canyon cliffs and ridge crests have been interpreted as shrines related to these activities. Finally, features such as long linear grooves were cut into the bedrock along certain roads which dont seem to point to a specific direction. It has been proposed that these were part of pilgrimage paths followed during ritual ceremonies. Archaeologists agree that the purpose of this road system may have changed through time and that the Chaco Road system probably functioned for both economic and ideological reasons. Its significance for archaeology lies in the possibility to understand the rich and sophisticated cultural expression of ancestral Puebloan societies. Sources This article is a part of the guide to the Anasazi (Ancestral Puebloan) Culture, and the Dictionary of Archaeology. Cordell, Linda 1997 The Archaeology of the Southwest. Second Edition. Academic Press Soafer Anna, Michael P. Marshall and Rolf M. Sinclair 1989 The great North Road: a cosmographic expression of the Chaco culture of New Mexico. In World Archaeoastronomy, edited by Anthony Aveni, Oxford University Press. pp: 365-376 Vivian, R. Gwinn and Bruce Hilpert 2002 The Chaco Handbook. An Encyclopedic Guide. The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

PRICE Surname Meaning and Family History

PRICE Surname Meaning and Family History Price is a patronymic surname derived from the Welsh ap Rhys, meaning son of Rhys. The given name Rhys means enthusiasm in Welsh. Price is the 84th most popular surname in the United States. Price is also popular in England, coming in as the 47th most common surname. Surname Origin:  Welsh Alternate Surname Spellings:  PRYCE, PRIS, PRYS, PREECE, PREES, PRICE, PREIS, PREUSS   Famous People with the PRICESurname Leontyne Price  - African-American professional soprano opera singerVincent Price  -  American actorBruce Price  - architect of many of the Canadian Pacific Railways Chà ¢teau-type stations and hotelsCarey Price -  Canadian hockey goaltender for the NHL Montreal CanadiensRichard Price - Welsh philosopherWilliam Price - 19th-century Welsh physician and eccentricFlorence Beatrice Price (born Smith)  -  award-winning African-American  pianist and composer Where is the PRICE Surname Most Common? According to surname distribution from  Forebears, Price is the 1,357th most common surname in the world- found most prevalently in the United States, but most common in Wales based on percentage of the population bearing the name. The Price surname ranks as the 19th most common last name in Wales, 71st most common in England and 82nd most common in the United States. In  1881 the Price surname was most common in southern Wales, especially in Glamorganshire, Brecknockshire, Radnorshire and Monmouthshire. Surname maps from  WorldNames PublicProfiler  also show the Price surname as especially common in Wales, as well as in the West Midlands region of England. Within the United States, Price is most common in the state of North Carolina, followed by South Carolina and West Virginia.   Genealogy Resources for the Surname PRICE 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census? Price, Priest, Pryce Surname DNA ProjectThis DNA project is connecting individuals with the Price surname and Welsh derivatives such as  Breece, Breeze, Brice, Bryce, Preece, Preecs, Prees, Priest, Pris, Prys, Reece, Rees, Reese, Rhys, Rice and the German variants Preis and Preuss, who are interested in using both Y-DNA and mtDNA testing to help discover common Price or Pryce ancestors. Price Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Price family crest or coat of arms for the Price surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. Price Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Price ancestors around the world. Search or browse the archives for your Price ancestors, or join the group and post your own Price family query. FamilySearch - PRICE GenealogyExplore over 5.4  million results from digitized  historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Price surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - PRICE Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Price. GeneaNet - Price  RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Price  surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Price  Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Price surname from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back toGlossary of Surname Meanings Origins

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Women and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Women and Politics - Essay Example Policy decisions in such circumstances are necessarily to be meticulous at least for the time being. American deregulation of genetically engineered food products such as Geep meat (a cross between a sheep and a goat) and certain forms of new vegetables into Canadian market is the best example of the like situation. Media analysis on this issue had critically assumed that the decision should have been of Canadian origin.(Joel Schalit, 1994 ). Going back in centuries, we can have an overall idea of politics through Aristotle2. His science of politics encompasses two different fields namely ethics and political philosophy. As regards ethics his contention that practical wisdom could not be acquired solely by learning general rules is noteworthy. Answers to the abstract question of whether egoistic behaviour serves the general good can be got from general equilibrium theory with respect to some idealized circumstances. This theory does not matter if people are in fact egoistic3. The conventional alienation of women in politics has almost disappeared. The gender gap has become the defining feature of the US elections since the previous two and a half decades. In fact the gender differences were apparent in many races since 2006 and still continue to be long-term trends. Women as voters have developed themselves as an efficient controlling factor in elections. This showed their knowledge of politics would set trends in politics. (Susan J. Carroll, 2006). The recent voting trend in the Super Tuesday Races of February 5, 2008 confirms the gender gap. In California and Masachusettes, where Hilary Clinton won the gender gap was just 14 while in Utah where Obama won the gap was 204. The role of media that is considered to be a formative pillar in any democracy still lacks its interest in propagating the achievements of women politicians. The Round Table conducted by IPU in 1997 made efforts to its fullest strength to bring the women politicians more in

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 3 - Essay Example While there are a number of interest groups and political parties that play a role in influencing the policies and make their voices heard, it is fitting that we focus on the two main political parties, which are the Democrats and Republicans, as these are the two largest parties in the United States that make their voices heard the loudest and have the most influence compared to that of other much smaller and less notable groups. According to an article in the New York Times, it states that the Republicans have always supported capital punishment from the beginning. Because they feel this way, they have no problem making this known loud and clear, and they fight hard to create new policies and shape current ones to allow more criminals to be executed. Democrats, on the there hand, are strongly against capital punishment, especially the segments of the party that are African American. The democrats are against capital punishment because they not only fear too many innocent people bei ng executed, as has happened around the country in times past, they feel that it is much worse to make criminals sit in a small cell for the rest of their days without parole, being deprived of their freedoms.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Global Warming - Essay Example This phenomenon acts to warm the Earth and is called the â€Å"greenhouse effect.† The addition of more carbon dioxide from man-made causes traps excess heat thereby increasing the Earth’s temperature. (Solomon, 2007) The excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is predominantly caused by fossil fuel consumption from coal burning electric power plants, factories and vehicles. The two long-term effects of a warming planet are a temperature increase of five to nine degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100 in addition to an increase of sea levels by dozens of feet. This rise of temperature and sea level has already begun and would continue for decades even if air pollutions were somehow ended today. According to the World Meteorological Organization â€Å"2000-2009 was the hottest decade on record, with eight of the hottest 10 years having occurred since 2000.† (Jenkins, 2012). Simply experiencing hotter temperatures are not the most concerning aspect of climate change. The continued warming of the climate is accelerating the evaporation cycle resulting if more intense flooding and more widespread and longer lasting droughts. The warming of ocean waters causes them to expand and therefore sea levels to rise. Melting ice caps are adding to this dire problem. A rise in sea levels will cause huge numbers of people living in coastal regions to migrate elsewhere, an economic and health catastrophe. Much of the world’s financial centers are located on the coast. In the U.S. alone about 50 percent of the population live within 50 miles of a coastline. Melting land ice and the reduction of glaciers decrease stream and river flows, a concern for human, animal and plant water supplies. Precipitation patterns are changing which increase extreme weather events while tropical storms are intensifying. Changing weather patterns are affecting agriculture yields.

Classify and categorize various careers in hospitality field Essay

Classify and categorize various careers in hospitality field - Essay Example The current global economy based on integration and free trade is expected to further transform growth in the industry. With rising economic integration through globalization, careers in hospitality have increasingly provided flexibility in the country of operation, especially in chains of hospitality firms which exist in various countries. Chuang has pointed out that following the development of hotel industry, the bar for skilled personnel has gone up substantially (14). The industry arguably experiences the greatest diversity of knowledge assets compared to other professions. Careers in the hospitality industry can be classified into: food and beverage handling, front office management, housekeeping, sales and promotion, accounting, maintenance among others (Ladkin and Weber 385). The current world has witnessed a sharp increase in business activity, resulting to more business and holiday travels, hence more careers in the sector. Eligibility The eligibility for various careers in the hospitality industry ranges from diploma certificates higher learning institutions to university degrees (Chuang 15). Depending on the nature of the organization, Hotel and Restaurant management, Casino management, Cruise Ship Hotel Management, Airline Catering and Cabin Services, Administration and catering for health facilities and education or training institutions, Hotel and Tourism, Lodges, and Guest Houses are some of the avenues that can be exploited by those keen on pursuing a career in the hospitality industry. Trained persons may also open businesses for self-employment in order to realize their economic dreams. Generally, Zahari et al (69) have pointed out that careers in the hospitality industry can be grouped in to several categories namely: Operations, Customer Care, Cuisine services, Bookkeeping, Maintenance, Sales and Promotion, Security, and House-keeping. General Operations A General Manager is usually responsible for the coordination and management of human r esources, financial management, service provision, and projection of the company image through the front office, and quality control (Zahari et al 78-91). Depending on the nature and size of the organization, general managers often have subordinate managers working in various departments to complement their effort. Front Office careers Chuang has noted that front office is the nerve center of all operations in the service-based hospitality industry (14). Important operations such as receiving the visitors, making reservations for rooms and conference halls, managing correspondence and processing bills as well as maintaining records of the services rendered to guests are usually processed at the department (Chuang 16). In most cases, the front office manager is often in charge of the supervision and co-ordination of the processes. Subordinates to the front office manager may include an Assistant Manager, front office executive, lobby manager, information staff, receptionist, bell cap tain, and doorman among others. The responsibilities of these staffs may vary from one facility to another. House Keeping careers According to Zhong, Couch and Blum (10), house-keepers are usually charged with ensuring that the facility, the rooms, the hallways, bars, the restaurants, and the compounds among other places are kept tidy. House-keeping careers mainly involve ensuring the comfort of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Effects of Global Warming on Coral Reefs Research Paper

The Effects of Global Warming on Coral Reefs - Research Paper Example There are three ways in which global warming affects coral reefs: through a direct increase in water temperature; through a rise in the carbon dioxide levels in water which makes water acidic; and through rising sea levels which results in inadequate sunlight for the existing coral reefs. In addition, the study points towards various indirect ways through which rising temperature leads to coral reef damage. One issue is the increasing incidence of various coral diseases and another problem is the occurrence of natural disasters like El Nino which damage coral reef habitats. Thus, the study ends with the suggestion that the ultimate way to save coral reefs would be to address the effects of global warming. Introduction Global warming is a potential environmental problem that has been adversely affecting the global climatic patterns for more than a century. Global warming can be simply referred to the process of increasing the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. By definition â€Å"global warming is an increase in temperature worldwide due to gaseous emissions known as greenhouse gases, and depletion of the upper atmospheric (30-50 kilometers) or stratospheric ozone layer† (Liu, 58). Meteorologist identified an increase in Earth’s average surface temperature by nearly 0.8o C in the beginning of the 20th century. Scientists hold that the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases caused by thoughtless human activities including combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation are the major factors leading to global warming. ‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report’ (AR4) (qtd. Deimling et al) forecasts th at the average global surface temperature may rise from 1.1o C to 2.9o C during the 21st century under lowest emissions scenario, whereas the expected range lies between 2.4o C to 6.4o C under highest emission scenario. Studies have identified that the rising average temperature of oceans has a devastating effect on coral reefs. Coral reefs are underwater forests formed of calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Coral reefs play a pivotal role in protecting coastal regions. Coral reefs contain a wide variety of fishes and plants among which most of them belong to some of the most fragile ecosystems of the planet. Studies point to the fact that even a one degree Celsius change in average sea temperature would cause dreadful effects on these underwater structures. This paper will discuss the effects of global warming on coral reefs in the context of current beliefs and researches. The paper will also give focus on the potential long term effects of global warming on the human sustainabi lity. Finally it will propose solutions to the issue on the strength of identified causes and effects. Coral Reef Habitat Coral reefs are considered colonies of micro living animals found in less-nutrients contained marine waters. It has been identified that majority of the coral reefs are made up of stony corals and which in turn contain polyps. Most of these underwater structures were formed after the last glacial period and therefore it can be concluded that most coral reefs are not more than 10,000 years old. Coral reefs constitute the most diverse and fragile ecosystems on Earth and they are often referred to as ‘rainforests of the sea’. As stated in the article, Introduction to Coral Reef ecosystems, threats, and solutions, although coral reefs occupy only less than 0.1% of the worlds’ ocean surface, they are rich sources of different marine species such as fish, worms, sponges, crustaceans, and mollusks. As reported by National Wildlife Federation, the stu nning and frail coral reefs found

Sports Concussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sports Concussions - Essay Example His reasons are that most kids arent coordinated enough to head the ball or their ignorance on how to head a ball can cause injuries to them or a collision with another player. He also states that a player can learn good ball control if they used chest and feet more and frequently. Past soccer players have come out to complain having some brain damage issues which is not common or frequent in other sports such as football. Sarah K. Fields another debater in the article, debates that it isnt so much heading the ball but collisions while trying to head the ball. 10% of all injuries for both boys and girls in the league she coaches in have been only to headers. Young males were 33% concussed from heading the ball and the other 77% was due to a collision between the two players. She states that soccer is supposed to be a safer sport then baseball, and football thus efforts ought to be taken to ensure safety during heading. Similarly, better officiating should be embraced when two players go up for a header. Debater Christopher Nowinski, states that no regardless of circumstances, in youth soccer there will always be a chance of child getting a concussion whether while heading the ball or colliding with another for the ball. He also states that since the child’s brain is still developing, heading the ball can cause a lot of head trauma. Headers should never be taken out of the game since they have been part of the game all along, intuitively, there have been more and more concussion’s and head trauma injuries. In the article â€Å"How Risky is Heading in Soccer † writers debated whether or not headers should be taken out of youth soccer. Writers shared with us facts about headers, and how most concussion injuries are from collisions between two players. Debater Christopher Nowinski, from the article â€Å"How Risky is Heading in Soccer† says

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Effects of Global Warming on Coral Reefs Research Paper

The Effects of Global Warming on Coral Reefs - Research Paper Example There are three ways in which global warming affects coral reefs: through a direct increase in water temperature; through a rise in the carbon dioxide levels in water which makes water acidic; and through rising sea levels which results in inadequate sunlight for the existing coral reefs. In addition, the study points towards various indirect ways through which rising temperature leads to coral reef damage. One issue is the increasing incidence of various coral diseases and another problem is the occurrence of natural disasters like El Nino which damage coral reef habitats. Thus, the study ends with the suggestion that the ultimate way to save coral reefs would be to address the effects of global warming. Introduction Global warming is a potential environmental problem that has been adversely affecting the global climatic patterns for more than a century. Global warming can be simply referred to the process of increasing the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. By definition â€Å"global warming is an increase in temperature worldwide due to gaseous emissions known as greenhouse gases, and depletion of the upper atmospheric (30-50 kilometers) or stratospheric ozone layer† (Liu, 58). Meteorologist identified an increase in Earth’s average surface temperature by nearly 0.8o C in the beginning of the 20th century. Scientists hold that the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases caused by thoughtless human activities including combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation are the major factors leading to global warming. ‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report’ (AR4) (qtd. Deimling et al) forecasts th at the average global surface temperature may rise from 1.1o C to 2.9o C during the 21st century under lowest emissions scenario, whereas the expected range lies between 2.4o C to 6.4o C under highest emission scenario. Studies have identified that the rising average temperature of oceans has a devastating effect on coral reefs. Coral reefs are underwater forests formed of calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Coral reefs play a pivotal role in protecting coastal regions. Coral reefs contain a wide variety of fishes and plants among which most of them belong to some of the most fragile ecosystems of the planet. Studies point to the fact that even a one degree Celsius change in average sea temperature would cause dreadful effects on these underwater structures. This paper will discuss the effects of global warming on coral reefs in the context of current beliefs and researches. The paper will also give focus on the potential long term effects of global warming on the human sustainabi lity. Finally it will propose solutions to the issue on the strength of identified causes and effects. Coral Reef Habitat Coral reefs are considered colonies of micro living animals found in less-nutrients contained marine waters. It has been identified that majority of the coral reefs are made up of stony corals and which in turn contain polyps. Most of these underwater structures were formed after the last glacial period and therefore it can be concluded that most coral reefs are not more than 10,000 years old. Coral reefs constitute the most diverse and fragile ecosystems on Earth and they are often referred to as ‘rainforests of the sea’. As stated in the article, Introduction to Coral Reef ecosystems, threats, and solutions, although coral reefs occupy only less than 0.1% of the worlds’ ocean surface, they are rich sources of different marine species such as fish, worms, sponges, crustaceans, and mollusks. As reported by National Wildlife Federation, the stu nning and frail coral reefs found

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Air Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Air Pollution - Essay Example This research paper explores that different places in the world have different air quality, depending on the magnitude of air pollution. The air that people inhale is neither clean nor is it healthy. In fact, the air that people breathe contains harmful gases like ground level ozone gas, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, air particles and lead. Of the five gases, ground level ozone and air borne articles have been identified as the greatest risk to human health in the world major cities. There is a great difference in air qualities in the world and this is manifested in different statistical informations in the major cities of the world. The major cities of the globe are impacted by air pollution, which affects air quality. The Air Quality in the world is assessed through Air Quality Index (AQI). AQI is used for reporting air quality on a daily basis. AQI provides information about how clean or polluted the air is in the places that a person resides and what health haz ards a person should be concerned of. Environmental Protection Agency usually calculates the AQI of five major air pollutants, which are controlled by the Clean Air Act. These pollutants include ground level ozone gas, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and air particles. Of the five gases, ground level ozone and air borne articles have been identified as the greatest risk to human health in the world major cities. Most of the sources of air pollution arise from technological and industrial advancement made by humans.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Coming of Age Essay Example for Free

The Coming of Age Essay Childhood is a time where children learn about the world around themselves. They see and experience many factors that influence their everyday lives, which help them grow stronger when they become adults. In â€Å"Girl† by Jamaica Kincaid and â€Å"The Lesson† by Toni Cade Bambara the characters within the stories learn valuable lesson with help them grow to become better individuals. In â€Å"The Lesson† the character of Sugar undergoes a realization that society does not treat everyone equally, that not every individual has the same opportunity and equality that they should have. In â€Å"Girl† the main character learns that she must be perceived as a woman and not as a slut, her mother brings to her attention of how the world is and what she must to do in order to survive in it. Lessons that children learn all help them grow to become better individuals, in â€Å"Girl† and â€Å"The Lesson† the lessons that the characters learn both help them grow to become better and stronger individuals. In â€Å"The Lesson† the character, Sugar undergoes a realization of the world around her, through her teacher Miss Moore, Sugar notices that there is a better way of living in the world besides, her own little world with her friends. Sugar says, â€Å"You know, Miss Moore, I don’t think that all of us here put together eat in a year what that sailboat costs,† (Bambara 452). Miss Moore is an African American woman who has broken through the expectation that society has placed on her class and on her color. Bambara presents Miss Moore as a very educated and intelligent woman, who has a college degree. With her knowledge Miss Moore sets out to educate the deprived and lower classed children and teach them of the world around them. She sets out to open their eyes, as well as their knowledge of the world around them. Miss Moore says, â€Å"Imagine for a minute what kind of society it is in which some people can spend on a toy what it would cost to feed a family of six or seven. What do you think? ,† (Bambara 452). Sugar’s realization of the world outside of her own, opens her mind to many questions that she never imagined before. She realizes that there is a better standard of living in the world and that society is not equal, as it should be, â€Å"I think, . . . that this is not much of a democracy if you ask me. Equal chance to pursue happiness means an equal crack at the dough, don’t it? ,† (Bambara 452). In this quotation Sugar realizes what Miss Moore set out to teach the lower classed and deprived children, her goal was to open their eyes and make them aware of how much more there is out there then making pocket change. â€Å"What kinda work they do and how they live and how come we ain’t in on it? Where we are is who we are, Miss Moore always pointin out. But it don’t necessarily have to be that way, she always adds then waits for somebody to say that poor people have to wake up and demand their share of the pie and place,† (Bambara 452). With her eyes wide open and with her mind curious and educated, Sugar and her friends realize that in order for them to get some where in life they have to work at it, but not as in individual but as a whole, a class. The only way for them to make a difference to change societies view of their class and become part of the rest of societies. In â€Å"Girl† Kincaid lists a series of orders from a mother to a daughter in such a way that the characters’ lives are illuminated and transformed by the mundane household details. The â€Å"Girl† is more of a gender type of a story, but there is also a lesson that needs to be realized by the girl. In this story the mother of this girl is her teacher, she tells her daughter of how the world is around her, just like Miss Moore in â€Å"The Lesson. † The mother in this story tries to make her daughter realize that he needs to be viewed as a woman within society. Who or what the daughter is on the inside can be for herself, but on the outside she cannot let her actions give and impression that she is a slut to society. The mother says, â€Å"this is how you smile to someone you like completely; this is how you set a table for tea; . . . this is how to behave in the presence of men who don’t know you very well, and this way they won’t recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming, . . . † (Kincaid 33). As this story progresses the mother lists various chores and behaviors she must do in order for her to remain a woman and not be viewed as a slut, â€Å"be sure to wash everyday, . . . don’t squat down to play marbles-you are not a boy, you know, . . . † (Kincaid 33). In this story the girl wishes to rebel against what her mother wishes for her to do, but she dose not wish to be viewed as a slut, if she doesn’t do everything her mother has taught her. Mother says, â€Å"this is how to make ends meet; always squeeze bread to make sure it’s fresh; but what is the baker won’t let me feel the bread? ; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won’t let near the bread? ,† (Kincaid 34). In this story an issue of gender arises, where a girl needs to be taught how to become a woman and not be viewed as a slut. The daughter in â€Å"Girl† wants to rebel against her mother and not be viewed as a slut to society, therefore hoping that society will not look down upon her, if she does not do everything that the mother has taught her that she must do. In the stories of the â€Å"Girl† and â€Å"The Lesson† different lessons are learned, but the common realization of the world around them is learned by the characters and how each of the characters must learn to rebel against societies views. This realization helps them grow smarter and stronger as they grow older and come of age, from childhood to adulthood. Society has set standards for individuals to live by, but it is up to those individuals to break away, or live by the standards and views of society. â€Å"It is not much of a democracy if you ask me. Equal chance to pursue happiness means an equal crack at the dough,† (Bambara 452). In reality, society has set standards for everyone to live by. Those who break away from it are look down upon if they fail, but if they succeed they are praised by, this may be the only way to change societies views of gender, class, and race; it is by succeeding in everything that you do.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Quality management of executive holloware

Quality management of executive holloware 1 Why is quality important to Executive Holloware? Quality is important to Executive Holloware because they are one of the UKs leading suppliers of top-quality holloware. They describe themselves as selling to a top end market. As a result their products are priced high. Executive Holloware say their most important product was a handmade silver-plated Georgian tea set priced at over  £400. It is implied that this is the most expensive product and thats why they thought it was the most important. This could be a misguided opinion. It could have been the companys trademark, the item which made the brand; in this case you could have called it the most important because without it, there was no brand. The entire product range was hand-made and it looks like this was a big part of Executive Hollowares brand image. Holloware is a term that refers to table service items such as sugar bowls, coffee pots, teapots and other metal items that go on a table. Holloware is traditionally constructed to last a long time. It is typically made with thicker walls and more layers of silver-plate than other silverware. [1] 2 What do you understand by the term quality? The ISO9000 system describes Quality as: The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements[3] The American society for Quality describes Quality as: A subjective term for which each person has his or her own definition[4] In reality the definition of quality depends on your viewpoint. A customer may look at quality in terms of design, how the product performs, or whether it lasts as expected. A producer may look at quality in terms of conformance to requirements and the cost of quality i.e. scrap and profits. A government may see quality in terms of safety or environment. In industry, quality is often measured using values e.g. number of features, reliability, aesthetics etc. The majority of definitions seem to agree that regardless of your viewpoint, there is a set of requirements, whether it is conscious or sub-conscious, for which conformance is the goal. It is important to understand a range of peoples requirements both for a products customer base and within the company in design, manufacturing and other departments. 3 How would you specify quality for executive holloware? A quality product for Executive Holloware is a product that is free from: * Dimensional inaccuracies * Scratches * Bruises The product must be free from defects if a customer is to be proud of presenting it on their dinner table. Customers use the product to give their dinner tables a touch of class and give their guests the impression that no expense has been spared. In terms of the Georgian tea set, the product should be made of a layered silver-plate, other products are made from pewter or stainless steel. 4 What are the underlying causes of the problems at Executive Holloware? One of the main problems is that there is no dimensional / defect inspection carried out until the product is ready for shipment. Too many problems are getting ignored during the manufacturing processes and the product is getting passed down the line with defects. It appears that there is no quality control data generated during the processes until the end of the production line. For this company, the data would not have to be complex, just a numerical count of defects and possible reasons. There definitely seems to be a lack of control chart knowledge. The problems with defects are causing a massive amount of rework, which costs the company money as work is being done twice, this should be virtually unnecessary. The culture of the workforce is wrong. It appears that this stems from the top as the Production Director, Andrew Keegan, is constantly pressuring them to speed up production. This will not work if the quality is not under control. It will only multiply the problem or even increase the percentage of rework. It is a reactive culture with people only reacting to problems with the finished product. There seems to be a blame culture affecting the workforce too. Nobody wants to help with the root causes of the problem; they just want to blame somebody else. This could be because the workforce doesnt feel empowered to do anything about the quality problems. They cant stop production if they notice a problem because they will get blamed for a loss of production time. The workforce may be paid per item they get through their station. This is the case in so many industries of this kind. The problem with that is that the workforce is inclined to rush jobs because they know that if there is rework then they will get paid again. Another problem is that when a defect is found the workforce has no way of knowing if it is out of tolerance or not because there is no specification. There are no limits. 5 How should Executive Holloware measure quality at each stage of the process? Statistical Process Control should be used to take periodic samples from the processes and plot sample points on a control chart. It can then be determined whether the process is within limits. Variability is inherent in production processes and the aim is to lessen the variability to random causes. Three quality characteristics have been highlighted in section 3 which can be measured. A specification needs to be drawn up so that the workforce can decide which defects are failures and which are not. There needs to be a set of tolerances for problems like dimensional inaccuracies. The workforce also needs to be provided with measuring equipment to assist with this. A process control chart can be used as shown in Figure 5‑1. The process would be in control if no sample points lie outside the limits, most points are near the average, and there are an equal number of points above and below the centre line. A histogram can then be created to visually show which problems are most significant. A Pareto analysis could also be done to work out which problem is costing the most. Using control charts at each stage it will be possible to pinpoint at which stage defects are caused. A Fishbone diagram could then be used to show all the causes of a particular quality problem. All these visual aids are useful for meetings to aid effectively communicating the message to everybody present. Another approach to quality control is acceptance sampling. This can also be used on a random basis to measure the % defective. As the products are intended to be top quality and supplied to a top end market, this is not really suitable; especially with the large number of non-conforming products. 6 What steps would you advise Paul Stone to take to improve quality? The basic four steps from the Total Quality Management theory should be used: * Step 1: Collect and organize data * Step 2: Identify problematic components or maintenance processes * Step 3: Analyse data after maintenance process monitoring * Step 4: Action plan [5] The management should ask themselves the 5 Whys each time there is a problem with quality. The 5 Whys is a technique that doesnt involve advanced statistical tools, and in many cases can be completed without a data collection plan. By repeatedly asking the question Why at least five times, you can peel away the layers of symptoms which can lead to the root cause of a problem. [6] Paul should advise management to instil a new culture into the workforce. The workforce should be empowered to report problems and stop production if they feel there is a problem. They should also be involved with problem resolution because it has been proven that if a workforce feels more involved then they are more likely to use their process knowledge to come up with solutions for themselves. This would increase morale and is a basic TQM (Total Quality Management) philosophy. There could be daily meetings for each production unit to go through control chart data. There could then be monthly meetings for the entire staff which will make everyone feel involved and issues can be discussed between departments. Installing a continuous improvement mentality should be the goal. Quality control data as discussed in section 5 should be analysed and used to direct resources for improvement efforts. Specifications need to be created for each product stating tolerances for defects of different types and in different locations on the product. Appropriate metrics need to be identified so that problems can be measured against a standard. There could be cause for a pay restructuring so that workers are paid a fixed rate instead of per item. Bonuses could be introduced based on quality production targets as a different type of incentive. Andrew Keegan should be advised that if the efficiency of the process is increased, then this will bring an increase in productivity. Cycle time should also be increased because there will be fewer problems during processes and rework should be rare. The spare capacity introduced from the lack of rework could then be used to increase production and for new product development. It may be possible to reduce manpower which will lower costs and increase profitability. Increased production means increased turnover. One study by the University of Manchester states that success in applying the quality tools and techniques discussed relies on: * In-depth knowledge of the process * Formal training in problem solving techniques * Appropriateness of tools selected for use * Application of simple models at all levels in the organisation to aid communication and learning [7] If this is true then there needs to be formal training of statistical process control and problem solving techniques generally. There must also be involvement from all levels of the organisation. The Six Sigma theory can be used to help this organisation as well and can be applied to all stages of the problem solving process. The DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) methodology can be used. Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing, which is exactly what this company needs to do. As quality assurance manager, Paul should take the lead role in this. The six sigma tools matrix (see Table 6‑1) can present a clear roadmap for the problem solver, especially if the problem solver is a novice (Black Belt or Green Belt). Six Sigma may be an appropriate strategy to base the work on but not in place of TQM because, as Dr Rick L. Edgeman from the University of Idaho said: Six Sigma is a highly structured, information-driven strategy for product, system and enterprise innovation and design. In contrast I would say that TQM seeks to satisfy customer needs continuously by providing what they desire at the lowest possible cost as a result of involving a critical mass of the organizations human resource. [8] Different aspects of both of these methodologies / strategies will be helpful for this company. The steps discussed in this section should have a positive effect on the shops as they will be more confident in the product they are selling, and the end users. Works Cited 1. Encyclopedia Britannica. Holloware Article. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. [Online] [Cited: 7 December 2009.] 2. Holloware. Atlantic Hospitality. [Online] 2003. [Cited: 7 December 2009.] 3. International Organization for Standardization. Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary. 2005. ISO 9000:2005. 4. American Society for Quality. ASQ Glossary Entry: Quality. 5. E. Vassilakis, G. Besseris. An application of TQM tools at a maintenance division of a large aerospace company. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering. 2009, Vol. 15, 1. 6. EMS Consulting Group. Problem Solving. Lean Manufacturing Consulting and Training. [Online] 1 February 2006. [Cited: 7 December 2009.] 7. Greatbanks, David R. Bamford and Richard W. The use of quality management tools and techniques: a study of application in everyday situations. International Journal of Quality Reliability Management. 2005, Vol. 22, 4. 8. Antony, Jiju. Six Sigma vs TQM: some perspectives from leading practitioners and academics. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 2009, Vol. 58, 3. 9. Catherine Hagemeyer, John K. Gershenson, Dana M. Johnson. Classification and application of problem solving quality tools. The TQM Magazine. 2006, Vol. 18, 5.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Persimmon Tree by Marjorie Barnard Essay -- English Literature

How does the extract affect the whole story? (The Persimmon Tree by Marjorie Barnard) Extract: â€Å"I liked the room from the first†¦ anyone who appeared to have her life so perfectly under control.† Question: How does the extract affect the whole story? The writer of the story â€Å"The Persimmon Tree†, Marjorie Barnard, was born in Sydney. She was a novelist, historian, biographer as well as librarian in her lifetime. She wrote many books, and among them, A House is Built (1928) and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1947) are the best known (124 tutorial 30-10-01). Although â€Å"The Persimmon Tree† is generally thought to be a piece of subtle work, and we may find it difficult to get the hidden meanings of the words, Barnard has made it charming by associating different things. She entitles the story â€Å"The Persimmon Tree† partly because persimmons represent the narrator – a weak and lonely individual whose life is in sharp contrast with what Barnard describes, the â€Å"shadow of the tree†, which represents the outside world. Barnard has delicately presented the narrator’s complex feeling living between her â€Å"shell† and the outside world, and how the outside forces contribute to her reform in the end of the story. Obviously in the beginning of the extract, Barnard suggests that â€Å"shadow† does not merely mean â€Å"shade that is caused by an object [it is the trees in the story] blocking direct rays of light† (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary: 1380). Barnard, in fact, associates â€Å"shadow† connotatively with two things: changing matters in the outside world and new life. Although it is not presented clearly in the story, Barnard reflects her idea through the descriptions of the narrator about the â€Å"shadow†: â€Å"the mov... ... her current help. The story has an open ending, as there is not enough space for further development. We are not sure about what happens next, although the narrator â€Å"[thinks] [her] heart would break [that represents changes to a better self]† (par.14). However, in my opinion, Barnard succeeds in portraying the struggle of the narrator when she is put to different tests (the â€Å"shadow†, the â€Å"woman† and herself). As we read the story, we can see how delicately Barnard sets each character and expresses their feelings under different settings. In conclusion, â€Å"The Persimmon Tree† is a piece subtle and delicate work. Bibliography Barnard, M. (1976) in Heseltine, H. The Penguin Book of Australian Short Stories UK: Penguin pp126 – 129 Hornby, AS. (1994) in Lee, Peita Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary UK: Oxford University Press page 1380

Friday, October 11, 2019

Over Representation Of Male African American Students Education Essay

Male, immature African-Americans are one of the deprived sectors in the American educational system because they are confronted with really limited chances at wining in academic and societal enterprises as in the instance with underprivileged populations. Statisticss showed that about 17 % of pupils in a school are African-Americans yet they account for the instances of suspensions and ejections at 32 % and 30 % severally. This is the figure in regular categories while these rates rise up to three times among Afro-american males in particular instruction or remedial categories as opposed to their white male opposite numbers. Less than 10 % ( 8.4 % ) of African-Americans are enrolled in the talented and gifted categories. All in all, consequences revealed that the odds that Afro-american males complete college is one against 12 while merely one against four in dropping out of high school ( Bailey & A ; Paisley, n.d. ) . It is the belief that change by reversaling the tendency of academic underachievement among African American childs is possible for schools to set about. Considerable grounds pointed out that low economic standing is an of import factor for inferior schooling in interior metropoliss where several basic demands remain unaddressed. While schools serve as the bastion of chance and hope, immature black males still fall victims of favoritism, marginalisation, and stigmatisation. In this scene, African American males are perceived to be stupid or misbehaving and are given harsher penalties when caught go againsting minor regulations and ordinances in school. Social welfare of these pupils are seldom explored and described. Young black African Americans are more likely to be excluded in competitory categories and other educational chances that would hold supported or encouraged them ( Noguera, 2002 ) . But why is the male gender over-represented? The Report to Congress cited possible grounds for such a high figure among males but are â€Å" non straightforward † ( p. 11 ) . There are three hypotheses that help explicate the laterality of males in particular instruction. First is biology owing to the fact that boys exhibit higher exposure to familial upsets andA greater temperament to possess peculiar larning disablements. Research has established that females show more biological progresss over males such more rapid rate of ripening and less birth anomalousnesss ( Harmon, Stockton, & A ; Contrucci, 1992 ) . Second, since male childs are more physically active and more likely misbehave or act out in the schoolroom, it is suggested that the overrepresentation is attributed to behavioural jobs. Though familial, biological or neuropsysiological differences could be attributed to physical activity for males, behavioural jobs on the footing of early acquisition may likewise influe nce determinations made during referral and placement. Kedar-Voivodas ( 1983 ) revealed that kid rise uping pattern, sex function modeling, A imitation, A socialisation, and a pupil ‘s single reaction to school are influential in the repertory of behaviour of misss and male childs in schoolroom state of affairss. Males may take advantage of early acquisition that that grownups are more tolerant towards their active behaviour while misss on the other manus are expected to act in a more inhibited manner ; inactive, quiet, obedient, and pleasant ( Wagner,1976 ) . Third, research workers in gender equity proposed that the over-representation of males is due to the consequence of gender prejudice in referral, categorization, and arrangement. Bias is referred to as the inclinationA of taking a place or formulating decisions refering to a individual on the footing of gender or sex. It was suggested by Kratovil and Bailey ( 1986 ) that gender prejudice in placing particular instructio n services emanates from gender stereotypes which dictate expected behaviours of females in society, which result in instructors who have high outlooks while digesting hapless academic accomplishment among female pupils. Little is done to analyze gender prejudice or favoritism being a lending factor in the over-representation of males in the particular instruction sector ( Anderson, 1997 ; Kratovil & A ; Bailey, 1986 ; Karlen, 1985 ; Phipps, 1982 ) .A The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 2004 was aimed at guaranting that pupils with particular demands receive Free Appropriate Public Education ( FAPE ) . In order to accomplish its aim, schools should hold intercessions that determine whether the kid that is referred to is a particular kid who needs particular instruction and other related services to suitably come on in school ( Willie, Garibaldi, & A ; Reed, 1991 ) . Several cases have mistakenly referred and unsuitably determined kids with particular demands to inscribe in particular instruction and other related services when they should non hold. Recurrence of this pattern to a peculiar group of pupils in a territory which in this instance male African American pupils result in the disproportional overrepresentation of these pupils in particular instruction ( Willie, et. al. , 1991 ) . This disturbing phenomenon in the particular instruction system has received a great sum of attending in research as documented by Agbenyega and Jiggets ( 1999 ) , MacMillian and Reschly ( 1998 ) , Oswald, Best and Countinho ( 1999 ) , Patton ( 1998 ) , U.S. Department of Education ( 2002 ) and Zhang and Katsiyannis ( 2002 ) . Within the past 30 old ages, surveies have continued to show the form of overrepresentation of African Americans in SPED categories providing to those with speech damages, behavioural upsets, mental deceleration, larning disablements, and physical damages ( Watkins & A ; Kurtz, 2001 ) . This overrepresentation happens when the frequence of pupils in the particular instruction plans is well near to the entire figure of pupils enrolled. For case, the per centum of African American enrollees ages three to 21 who are having services under IDEA in 2000 is 14.9 % ( US Department of Education NCES, 2000 ) . It should besides noted that African American pupils comprised 16.6 % of the entire school population in the same twelvemonth ( US Department of Commerce, 1972-2000 ) . Annually, the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs ( OSEP ) submits the Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of IDEA. Contained in this study is the population of pupils served in particular instruction and the cultural background of these pupils. Datas in the 2000 study showed that the job of over-representation of male African American pupils in particular instruction has undermined attempts towards the just proviso of educational chances throughout the state. In the SY 1998-1999, the likeliness of negatively labeling African American pupils were as follows: 2.9 times as mentally retarded ; 1.9 times, emotionally disturbed ; and 1.3 times, holding a learning disablement. In add-on, African American pupils less probably than White American pupils to return to general instruction schoolrooms after particular instruction. The unequivocal cause of this job is the subject of much argument. Some writers lay the incrimination on White American instructors who fear learning African American male pupils particularly the young person. In the US, Afro-american traditions are debased and society is invariably distributing fearful every bit good as negative stereotypes of African-Americans ( Schwartz, 2001 ) . Consequently, pedagogues endorse these stereotyped images and normally do non accept learning assignments if pupils are African Americans or enforce stricter penalties due to the preconceived impression of the deficiency of subject in their places. This behaviour and patterns by school instructors, forces and decision makers do non see fortunes on their congenital cognition, cognitive abilities, civilization and values of African American pupils taking to their want in school. Data on demographics revealed that more than one tierce of pupils in the simple and high school degrees are African Americans ( We instein, Tomlinson-Clarke & A ; Curran, 2004 ) . In striking contrast is the predomination of White, middle-class female instructors in the US learning force ( Ladson-Billings, 2001 ; US Department of Education, 1998 ) . Further intensifying the job is that bulk of White American instructors reside in White American vicinities and graduated from White colleges. In add-on, teacher instruction plans do non sufficiently turn to this racial instability which is permeant in American schoolrooms. Johnson ( 2006 ) stated that the manner persons view African American work forces is influential in how persons respond to them. He furthered that bulk of what is mentioned in educational and psychological literature about the male African American young person is that they are non intelligent, drug nuts, and sexual marauders who may be unemployed or incarcerated. Consequently, this judgmental description of male African American pupils leads to of course denying these persons chances to develop their rational, knowing and originative qualities which are typical of a â€Å" good pupil † . It is notable that research results revealed a figure of instructors make up one's minding on particular instruction referrals on the degree in which the kid is â€Å" docile † or non-threatening ( Harry & A ; Anderson, 1994 ; Hale-Benson, 1982 and Kunjufu, 1985 ) . Another cause that may hold contributed to the overrepresentation of male African American males in particular instruction is the subjectiveness and undependability of designation processs. Chiefly, proving and teacher referrals are mechanisms in which a pupil may be assessed whether he or she should have particular instruction services. Each of these processs nowadayss alone challenges to this phenomenon of overrepresentation of male African Americans in particular instruction. Both of these methods are being questioned in footings of its dependability and public-service corporation. For case, the Executive Committee of the Council for Child Behavior Disorders ( 1989 ) suggested jobs in the referral system since the initial stage of showing is non sensitive plenty in naming pupils holding internalising jobs. Furthermore, the Council for Child Behavior Disorders, Hilliard ( 1990 ) and Cummins ( 1986 ) held that impartial referrals every bit good as erroneous diagnosing occur in the à ¢â‚¬Å" judgmental † classs of particular instruction categorizations which are among the terrible emotional disturbed ( SED ) and mild mentally retarded ( MMR ) . Harry and Anderson ( 1994 ) said that in the appraisal of these disablements, subjective clinical judgement is relied upon instead than verifiable biological standards. It should be necessary to underline that there are two most common used types of trials in placing behavioural every bit good as larning disablements viz. : behavioural appraisals and intelligence trials. Critics have observed that IQ trials reflect baseline information of cultural cognition, cognitive ability of the Godhead ( s ) and the sample the trials were standardized, the linguistic communication accomplishments of pupils are assessed based on the linguistic communication of the bulk, and that professionals in instruction demand to be adept in the reading of linguistic communication and address scrutinies. Therefore, the procedure of proving is in itself wholly biased and pupils who have non culturally and societal experiences reflected in the trials are at a disadvantage ( Harry & A ; Anderson, 1994 ) . This i s the ground why the Board of Assessment and Testing ( BOTA ) came to the decision that there should be a reevaluation on the utility of the IQ trials in doing particular instruction determinations ( Morrison, White, & A ; Fever, 1996 ) . When IDEA was reauthorized in 1997, US Congress investigated research sing the general demographic profile and academic public presentation of pupils with particular demands. Idea 1997 clearly stipulated the demand for provinces to roll up and analyze informations in order to determine whether the important disproportionality in particular educational plans is attributed to race as mentioned in 34 C.F.R. A §300.755. So there is comparing between provinces, Congress listed five race/ethnicity bunchs that all provinces must use during the aggregation and coverage of informations as follows: American Indian, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black ( non-Hispanic ) , Hispanic, White ( non-Hispanic ) . Through the creative activity of a coverage mechanism that considers race or ethnicity informations, Congress are able to expeditiously supervise this issue. Furthermore, the coverage strategy provided a manner in which provinces and territories investigate over-representation concerns. Whether or non the belong to a different cultural background, IDEA '97 pointed out that particular instruction is non a topographic point but a set of services in support of kids with particular demands to be academically successful. To find individualised instruction plan ( IEP ) for a kid missing English installation, IEP squads should take into see the linguistic communication needs of the kid as stated in 34 C.F.R. A §300.346 ( a ) ( 2 ) ( two ) . IDEA besides provides that schools should hold entree to non-biased trials and rating processs in order to accurately place whether the kid has a disablement ( 34 C.F.R. A §300.532 ) . Last, IDEA specified that when a kid ‘s eligibility is based on English proficiency, the kid should non be eligible for particular instruction ( 34 C.F.R. A §300.534 ) and if kid is found to be ineligible for particular instruction if the finding factor is deficiency of direction in reading or math ( 34 C.F.R. A §300.534 ) . Equally early as 1965, the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights ( OCR ) has monitored informations on the registration of African American pupils in particular instruction plans. OCR has made a trailing of school territories every bit good as required conformity activities should jobs come up. For case in two territories, conformity activities resulted in the creative activity of pre-referral intercession processes which allowed practicians to better address behavioural and larning jobs under the context of supplying instructional intercessions and support in general instruction scenes. The OCR is tasted to implement a figure of Torahs impacting school patterns in relation to the over-representation of African American pupils. The following are the Torahs: First, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( Section 504 ) which calls for the prohibition of favoritism against single with particular demands. Protection applies to persons considered possessing but do n on really have the disablement for case those who were misclassified. Second is Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ) besides imposes the same countenance as Section 504 0f the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Third, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act ( Title VI ) which countenances against favoritism based on national beginning, race, or colour. Administrators were advised to utilize these Torahs as mention when treatment issues sing over-representation. What would go on if the information provides a clear indicant of over-representation in a school territory and no actions were taken to relieve the job? Because of the earnestness of this phenomenon, the territory may be involved in legal countenances. Furthermore, the school territory may be cited by OCR and should this go on, the OCR will teach the territory to come in into a disciplinary action program. For more than 30 old ages, over-representation informations have become outstanding topics of tribunal instances and in assorted educational forums that tackle steps to battle unfairnesss in the educational system. School decision makers can profit from their cognition of landmark instances on over-representation of African Americans in particular instruction such as Diana v. the California State Board of Education ( 1970 ) , Johnson v. the San Francisco Unified School District ( 1971 ) , and Larry P. v. Riles, California ( 1979 ) . These instances by and large shed visible radiati on on the prejudiced appraisal patterns in public schools. The appraisals have mistakenly labeled a important figure of minority pupils as necessitating particular educational services taking to their going segregated in particular instruction categories. The above instances were highly instrumental in determining the demands in IDEA Part B naming for nondiscriminatory testing and categorization, and the procedural precautions that prevent misclassification. The survey will be conducted in XISD located at the northeasterly subdivision of Dallas county, north Texas and research over-representation of male African Americans in particular instruction plan in the school territory concerned. The consequences of the survey will analyze the perceptual experiences and prejudices of instructors related to African American male, every bit good as the educational systems and constructions that may take to the overrepresentation of African American males in particular instruction, and contribute to the turning research related to the overrepresentation of African American males in particular instruction. Statement of the Problem The tabular array below presents the informations sing the most recent Annual Report which was the content of the 22nd Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Disability American Indian Asian/Paci-fic Islander Black ( non-Hispanic ) Hispa-nic White ( non-Hispanic ) Specific Learning Disabilities 1.4 1.4 18.3 15.8 63 Address and Language Damages 1.2 2.4 16.5 11.6 68.3 Mental Deceleration 1.1 1.7 34.3 8.9 54.1 Emotional Perturbation 1.1 1 26.4 9.8 61.6 Multiple Disabilities 1.4 2.3 19.3 10.9 66.1 Hearing Damages 1.4 4.6 16.8 16.3 66 Orthopedic Damages 0.8 3 14.6 14.4 67.2 Other Health Damages 1 1.3 14.1 7.8 75.8 Ocular Damages 1.3 3 14.8 11.4 69.5 Autism 0.7 4.7 20.9 9.4 64.4 Deaf-Blindness 1.8 11.3 11.5 12.1 63.3 Traumatic Brain Injury 1.6 2.3 15.9 10 70.2 Developmental Delay 0.5 1.1 33.7 4 60.8 All Disabilities 1.3 1.7 20.2 13.2 63.6 Resident Population 1 3.8 14.8 14.2 66.2 Looking at the tabular array above, African Americans between six to 21 old ages of age history near to 15 per centum ( 14.8 % ) of the entire population ; yet 20.2 % of the population in particular instruction are composed of this group. Furthermore, out of 13 disablement classs, the per centum of African Americans is equal to or greater than the per centum in the resident population in 10 disablement categories. African American representation in mental deceleration and developmental hold is two times more than the national estimations. Despite a overplus of research focused on comparing the educational experience of African American males in instruction, overrepresentation of this population in particular instruction persists ( Artiles & A ; Harry, 2005 ; Artiles & A ; Trent, 1994 ; Bondy & A ; Ross,1998 ; Ford, 2004 ; Hillard, 1992 ; Losen & A ; Orfield, 2002 ; MacMillan & A ; Reschley, 1998 ; Noguera, 2003 ; Reschley, 2002 ; Webb-Johnson, Artiles, Trent, Jackson, & A ; Velox, 1998 ) . Despite the fact that surveies on overrepresentation varied in the research design, the findings were found to be consistent and for over 25 old ages of paying attending to this educational quandary, coming up with solutions and replies to this job is imperative. Alternatively of documenting forms of over-representation, the focal point of scientific project should be on taking the classs of action and generating solutions. Most scientists have proposed supplying the preventative and appropriate intercessions for pupils who are at h azard for underachievement and heightening the capableness of instructors in working with surveies coming from diverse cultural and lingual backgrounds. Though these intercessions and solutions are desirable, the job lies in their development based on present organic structure of cognition sing overrepresentation. Majority of the probes on overrepresentation centres on general forms. Oftentimes, the losing portion of the mystifier is the analysis of variables that are potentially forecasters of overrepresentation forms ( MacMillan & A ; Reschly, 1998 ) . So that the efficient and effectual schemes are identified, there should be a considerable sum of deepness in the apprehension of these variables as demonstrated in the surveies of Artiles, Aguirre-Munoz, & A ; Abedi ( 1998 ) , Coutinho & A ; Oswald ( 1998 ) , Finn ( 1982 ) , and Hosp & A ; Reschly ( 2002 ) . The informations analyzed were state- and individual-level and zeroing on peculiar disablements like mental deceleration or learning disablement. In 1999, Oswald and co-workers comprehensively conducted an analysis using the degree most normally employed in the scrutiny of repre sentation forms which are obtained at the territory degree Over-representation has been found to be damaging to legion African American childs across the state. They could non derive entree to the course of study for general instruction, extremely likely become receiver of services non suited to their demands, and the hazard of being labelled unsuitably or misclassified. When a pupil is mistakenly labelled, perceptual experiences of low academic outlook are permeant. The pupil may besides yield to both societal and emotional jobs and achievement-related results are earnestly compromised. The impact of mislabelling on pupils is similar to those who really are particular kids such as disparities in educational chances, differences in graduation rates and gaining power during graduation and registration in third establishments ( NABSE, 2002 ) Purpose of the Study The intent of this proposed survey is to research the phenomenon of overrepresentation of male African Americans in XISD located at the northeasterly subdivision of Dallas county. Specifically it will foremost find the factors that contribute to the overrepresentation of African American males in particular instruction plans and suggest solutions and schemes to cut down disproportionality. Significance of the Study The job of over-representation of male African American pupils in particular instruction plans is a world frequently blamed to biased appraisal and referral processs widely reported in literature ( Cummins, 1986 ; Hilliard, 1990 ) . Unfortunately, the chance of being assigned to a particular instruction plan well increases one time the procedure of referral is initiated ( Artiles & A ; Trent, 1994 ) . When a pupil is referred, he or she is subjected to psychological testing and the result of the trials will find his or her arrangement ( Bahr et al. 1991 ) . Conversely, to be a immature male and African American is bad for arrangement. Social workers in school play a cardinal place in step ining the referral procedure and straight work with the population. When attempts in societal work are conducted earlier on, concerns during referral are addressed by debaring improper and gratuitous referral, proving, and arrangement. Early intercession steps provide chances for analyzing the abilities and strengths of pupils and farther explore alternate classs of action in arrangement hence extenuating the job. The information obtained during this stage will be valuable in determining whether or non the referral to particular instruction services is warranted and rule out other jobs for case the prejudice of the instructor before a comprehensive psychological rating is mandated. Social workers can implement a solution-focused attack in early intercession for immature male African Americans who are considered for particular instruction services. In this intercession, school societal workers perform pupil appraisal carefully tak ing into history the pupil ‘s school environment along with short-run intercessions aimed to find whether extra appraisal or arrangement is deemed necessary. This measure can help in guaranting that the referral is appropriate Harmonizing to Bruce ( 1995 ) , brief solution-focused intercession is effectual when turn toing jobs among particular instruction pupils in the forced clip school societal workers have worked with them. However, activities that form portion of this intercession must be age-appropriate in bring forthing optimum consequences. Artiles ( 2002 ) recommended a five-step guideline to efficaciously supervise over-representation in particular instruction schoolrooms. First is to hold a wide cognition refering to the history of the job. Despite alterations in the classs and forms over the past three decennaries, there are forms that appear to be predictable and consistent to random fluctuations. Therefore it is indispensable to roll up information sing the history of over-representation utilizing national and local statistics. In other words, the roots of the job will be traced from when it started every bit good as the causes that contributed to the forms of over-representation. Artiles and Trent ( 1994 ) , Artiles and Trent ( 2000 ) , and Reschly ( 1997 ) showed that size of the school territory, plans on particular instruction, and proportion of a minority group in the territory influence the job. There is a possibility that the territory may hold old cases of over-representation of English scholars though thi s tendency is non reflected in both province and national statistics. When school decision makers are cognizant of the history, it will ensue in the designation of classs or groups that are over-represented and efficient monitoring of plans. The 2nd measure is the designation of dependable and utile indexs. School decision makers need to clearly specify the job and utilize sound indexs ; by and large its definition is the â€Å" extent to which rank in a given group affects the chance of being placed in a disablement class † ( Oswald et al. 1999 ) . There should be at least two indexs to be measured in better understanding the job: indices of composing and hazard. Composition index is computed by â€Å" contrasting the group in general instruction with the per centum of the same group of pupils enrolled in a particular instruction plan † ( Artiles & A ; Trent, 2000 ) . Over-representation is apparent in a school when the per centum is greater than 10 % of the â€Å" p er centum expected on the footing of the school-age population † ( Chinn & A ; Hughes, 1987 ) . To exemplify this an illustration will be provided. The reported entire EL registration in the territories targeted is 42 % . Establishing on the 10 % standard, the EL is over-represented if the registration has exceeded 46.2 % 42+4.2 ) , the informations revealed that 45 % of pupils with disablements were ELs ; hence there is no over-representation in the territory. In contrast, hazard index represents the figure of persons in a group labeled to be in demand of particular instruction services ( Reschly, 1997 ) . In the research of Artiles and Trent ( 2002 ) , though 45 % of pupils in particular instruction comprise ELs, approximately 8 % of the full ELs were in these plans. The typical scenario is that the composing index is ever greater than the hazard index. The 3rd is definition of mark groups. History has seen that over-representation is influenced by cultural minorities ; neve rtheless, it could besides be evident in other subgroups such as low socio-economic position of which really small is known. Therefore it is of import to zero in on specific groups within the population that is targeted for the intercession. For case the survey of Aristiles and Trent ( 2002 ) found that the EL subgroup showed a higher likeliness of a particular instruction arrangement compared to their opposite numbers who are adept in English-ELs stand a 27 % opportunity to being placed in simple particular instruction categories and about twice at the secondary degrees. The scenario in secondary categories with enrollees who are mentally retarded was dramatic as ELs were more than thrice likely to be assigned in this peculiar plan and 38 % in secondary categories for those possessing damage in linguistic communication and address. The writers found a certain subgroup in the EL population showing a higher opportunity of being over-represented. Unless this analysis is performed, imp ortant forms are masked. The 4th measure involves the scrutiny of forms of arrangement in a multi-stage or degree attack. A tracking system should take assorted locations and multiple degrees in which analysis returns from sum to disaggregate degrees. Datas on arrangement can be analyzed harmonizing to service options ( self-contained schoolroom against resource room ) , disablement type and plans. Behavior of these analyses is at the province down to the territory so eventually the class degree. The survey of Aristiles and Trent ( 2002 ) mentioned that though informations at the territory degree did non stand for EL over-representation, a typical tendency was noted in the grade level- ELs were non over-represented in classs K-4, nevertheless emerged in class 5 and remained clearly seeable until grade 12. Furthermore, the index on hazard systematically increased from Kindergarten up to rate 6 from 2 % to 16 % and tableland from classs 7-12 ( range=11-16 % ) . The last measure is the development of short- and long-run docket in undertaking the jobs. Over-representation is simply an index, but non the primary job. Donovan and Cross ( 2002 ) emphasized the influence of assorted factors like poorness, low birth weight, less entree to well-trained instructors, and prejudice in appraisal. This phenomenon should be a warning for school decision makers to turn to basic jobs instead than handling it as the lone job necessitating undivided attending. The school decision makers should see the demands for instructional and educational services, quality of direction and academic and life results. There is a demand for close monitoring of these factors along with concentrating on pupil demographics. Solutions in the yesteryear have dwelt on equilibrating statistics or trying to develop a more precise method of appraisal. These steps have in world sidestepped the major aim of instruction, which is the proviso of equal chances for instruction and more significantly, equal edu cational results. Nature of the Study In order to supply grounds on the over-representation of male African Americans in particular instruction plans in XISD, this survey will set up the factors that contribute to the overrepresentation of male African Americans in particular instruction, the influence of cultural prejudice, multi-cultural and/or diverseness preparation, White/female privilege and gender on the over-representation of male African Americans in particular instruction. Study execution will use the descriptive, qualitative, and cross-sectional design. The complex nature of the job will be approached utilizing a qualitative research design because the research worker has deemed this method appropriate in finding the nature of over-representation in a school territory in Dallas county. Creswell ( 1994 ) said â€Å" A qualitative survey is defined as an enquiry procedure of understanding a societal or human job, based on constructing a composite, holistic image, formed with words, describing elaborate positions of sources, and conducted in a natural scene. Alternatively a quantitative survey, consistent with the quantitative paradigm, is an enquiry into a societal or human job, based on proving a theory composed of variables, measured with Numberss, and analyzed with statistical processs, in order to find whether the prognostic generalisations of the theory clasp true. † In a qualitative design, respondents in the survey will be asked to associate their experiences so the phenomenon will be interpreted. The strength of this method lies in its ability to â€Å" supply complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given research issue † . Through this method, the human side of a research job is highlighted which could include emotions, positions, sentiments, beliefs, and behaviours. An advantage of qualitative research is its usage of open-ended inquiries that provides chance for cardinal sources to freely show their responses in their ain footings instead than holding them encircle from fixed picks as is the instance of quantitative research. The usage of open-ended inquiries guarantee that the replies have significance and culturally relevant. Likewise the consequences are unanticipated by the research worker and provides a richer and explanatory position. In qualitative research, aggregation and analysis of informations are done at the same time and make non continue in a additive manner ( Merriam, 1998 ) . Methods of analysing informations entailed written text, coding and classification of interviews and field notes ( Sells & A ; Smith, 1997 ) . The informations decrease methods of Miles and Huberman ( 1994 ) will be used in the analysis of informations which will get down with categorizing and form matching, exposing informations in the signifier of matrices, and pulling decisions and verifying. Ryan and Bernard ( 2000 ) presented a cryptography strategy which involved abbreviations, cardinal words, and Numberss that mark transitions in the information set. Codes that portion in relationship and content are combined forming larger bunchs or classs. Once coding is applied, constructs begin to emerge which will so be further analyzed in footings of how it is linked to the theoretical model. Because the survey will analyse multiple instance surveies, within- and cross-case analyses will be carried out ( Merria m, 1998 ) to find the subjects that are common among all the instances considered. In the within-case analysis, each instance will be treated as comprehensive instance in and of itself. Data will be coded and subjects will be identified. Once analysis of each instance is completed, a cross-case analysis will be employed to find the common subjects in all the instances. Those to be interviewed in the survey include instructors, pupils with disablements, parents, school psychologists, and facilitators. The research worker will besides reexamine the records of pupils to find whether their referral into the particular instruction plan followed IDEA. Research Questions The survey will be purposefully conducted in order to supply replies to the undermentioned inquiries: What factors contribute to the overrepresentation of African American males in particular instruction? How does cultural prejudice influence the overrepresentation of African American males in particular instruction? What impact does multicultural and/or diverseness preparation ( pre-service and/or professional development ) have on the overrepresentation of African American males in particular instruction? How does White/female privilege influence the overrepresentation of African American males in particular instruction? How does gender impact the overrepresentation of African American males in particular instruction? Theoretical Model The survey will based its theoretical analysis on three theories viz. : Classical View Theory, Social Dominance Theory ( SDT ) , Critical Race Theory ( CRT ) , Instructional Leadership and Transformational Leadership Theory. Classical View Theory Classical View Theory refers to the traditional manner, and most common ground, African American males are referred to Particular Education. The usual method of placing a pupil for arrangement in a Particular Education plan begins chiefly with the recommendation of the regular schoolroom instructor ; on occasion, parents are the initiatorsaa‚ ¬A ¦students are so assessed. However, pupils of culturally diverse backgrounds may non profit from mainstream appraisal instruments. Nationwide, Black kids are three times every bit likely as White kids to be placed in categories for the mentally retarded ( Kozol, 1991, p. 119 ) . Teachers ‘ cultural attitudes and positions may act upon referral procedure and support personal prejudices. Delpit ( 2006 ) suggested that a misconstruing exists between instructors and minority pupils in seting between holistic and traditional direction. Teachers do non understand the larning potency of minority pupils ; moreover, Delpit contended th at instructors have the inclination to put bounds on their instructional bringing. Deficit thought, causes many instructors to see minority pupils as liabilities instead than assets alternatively of capturing and prosecuting the wealth of cognition all kids bring to the schoolroom ( Landsman & A ; Lewis, 2006 ) . Russell ( 2005 ) emphasized that African American parents must go familiar with schemes on how to steer successfully among school and territory policies and patterns every bit good as the system as a whole to recommend more efficaciously for their kids. Social Dominance Theory The societal laterality theory ( SDT ) has become a powerful influence in associating groups to the socio-political sphere of the power dealingss across gender and assorted social strata ( Sidanius & A ; Pratto, 1999 ) . This theory argues the presence of group-based hierarchies in all human societies where the dominant groups obtain more benefits and have a higher entree to resources as opposed to the subsidiary groups. The theory presents the mechanism that enable the dominant groups to retain their topographic point or place in society, and hypothesizes the invariant relationship bing between gender and group-based inequality with the work forces at a greater advantage since they systematically benefit from the gender inequality ( Sidanius, Pratto, & A ; Bobo, 1994 ) . Dissimilar to most intergroup dealingss theories, SDT considers prejudice as functional instead than irrational ( Sidanius, 1993 ) . It is reasonable for work forces to be in favour of the inequality since they draw from the females, material advantage from society by keeping these political orientations and attitudes. This besides holds for other groups. Several writers have verified the basic premises of SDT like Pratto et Al. ( 2000 ) , Pratto et Al. ( 1994 ) , Pratto, Stallworth, & A ; Sidanius ( 1997 ) Sidanius et Al. ( 2000 ) , Sidanius et Al. ( 1994 ) , Sidanius, Pratto, & A ; Brief ( 1995 ) , Sidanius, Pratto, & A ; Rabinowitz ( 1994 ) , but at that place remains uncertainty sing whether the theory can be generalized. SDT is being criticized for its being homeostatic ; in other words, all the premises are geared towards keeping inequality in society. What will go on if a society undergoes a important alteration where antecedently dominant groups become the subsidiary to those who were antecedently the minority group? At present, SDT does non widen to this instance. The SDT stated that societal stratification occurs on the footing of gender, age, and â€Å" arbitrary set † which could be cultural background, category or race. Its theoretical anticipations commence by presuming the stableness and fastness of these three systems. In the event that the existent political power in one of the societal stratification systems reverses intending a antecedently subjugated group becomes the opinion category, will this reversal of power be outright mirrored psychologically? Will those oppressed in the past support inequality in society? And when there is power reversal in one system, how will be other two be affected psychologically? Will they be upset or non? How about the mechanisms that govern care of inequality and hierarchy in society? There are three basic premises in the SDT: 1. â€Å" While age- and gender-based hierarchies will be given to be within all systems, arbitrary-set systems of societal hierarchy will constantly emerge within societal systems bring forthing sustainable economic excess † . 2. Most signifiers of group struggle and subjugation ( racism, ethnocentrism, sexism, patriotism, classis, regionalism ) can be regarded as different manifestations of the same basic human sensitivity to organize group-based societal hierarchies. The 2nd premise tackles the difference between SDT and SIT. Though SIT recognizes and accommodates the phenomenon of societal hierarchy every bit good as the power dealingss of societal groups, SDT focuses on group-based societal hierarchy. It is SIT that developed the account for favouritism within groups under the context of groups that are defined randomly. However, SDT is the conceived to be the model that explain the being of societal hierarchy. Because of this, the SDT ‘s focal point is on the impact of societal discourses and the behaviour of the person and establishments on the type and degree of group-based hierarchy. In scenarios where dealingss in hierarchal groups can non be identified, the SDT offers small account and one might be contented to explicate bias and favoritism utilizing earlier theoretical accounts like the SIT, realistic group struggle theory, and autocratic personality theory. The SDT states non merely will group-based societal hierarchy omnipresent but besides most if non all biass, political orientations, and stereotypes refering to high quality and lower status among groups every bit good as the nature of single and institutional favoritism both contribute and reflect group-based societal hierarchy. Simply put, phenomena such as favoritism, stereotypes, racism can non be explained outside the model of group-based societal hierarchy, particularly within the societal systems of economic excess. 3. â€Å" Human societal systems are capable to the compensating influences of hierarchy-enhancing forces, bring forthing and keeping of all time higher degrees of group-based societal inequality, and hierarchy-attenuating forces bring forthing greater degrees of group-based societal equality † . As one reads historical histories in societies that are non-hunter-gatherer, there are testaments to the utmost group-based societal inequality. A comparatively recent illustration is the movable bondage in the US which is one of the most ghastly illustrations of inequality in human history. Because societal value either positive or negative is non every bit distributed across the population, group-based societal inequality consequences. Through the usage of societal beliefs, philosophies, and myths, uneven distribution of societal value is given justification. Simultaneously, historical records would propose efforts were made to consistently make more inclusive and classless societal systems. Evidence from history would uncover that HA forces are evident in the early Christian discourse to the sociopolitical discourses stemming from Marxist, socialist, and societal democratic motions in the nineteenth century to the human and civil rights militants in the in-between and late twentieth century. The HA forces nevertheless have appeared to chair the extent of inequality in non-hunter-gatherer societies.