Friday, July 26, 2019

The Prime Minister of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is great Essay

The Prime Minister of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is great public speaker. Russia needs him - Essay Example His speeches are interesting, focused, and witty he makes use of a number of metaphors in them. His unique body posture, tone modulations, assertiveness, conviction, openness, boldness and diplomatic strategies make him one of my favorite public speakers. The five elements involved in effective public speaking are, â€Å"who is saying what to whom using what medium with what effects?† (The Definition of Public Speaking). Analyzing Putin’s speeches one can identify that they combine these elements to a large extend. For Jaffe, â€Å"public speaking occurs when one person prepares and delivers a speech for a group that listens, generally without interrupting the speaker’s flow of ideas†( Jaffe, 2009, p. 1). In the case of Vladimir Putin his words are highly valued not only by the Russians but also by the international community and as such he can be regarded as an effective public speaker. Vladimir Putin’s historical speech at the Security Conference in Munich, on February 10, 2007 has captured worldwide attention. Addressing the large number of defense ministers, parliamentarians and other representatives Putin strongly criticized the United States in trying to create a "uni-polar" world. In his short but powerful speech he severely condemns the United States that has â€Å"overstepped its borders in all spheres - economic, political and humanitarian, and has imposed itself on other states† and he warns world nations that the United States’ policy would only result in disasters (Watson, 2007). Vladimir Putin’s speeches demonstrate immense optimism and he firmly believes in the potential power of the nation’s political system. While may criticize that there is no modernization in the nation, the nation was stagnating and that corruption goes unchecked in the nation, Putin has defended himself effectively by citing the concrete deeds undertaken by the government. He

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