Friday, December 27, 2019

Reflection Of My Own Personal Development - 1637 Words

1. Within Sports Coaching Literature, it has been established that reflection is a generic term for intellectual and effective activities, in which individuals examine their experiences, in order to develop new understanding and intrapersonal appreciation (Knowles, et al., 2006). Research in this field has advocated reflective practice as an approach to professional development which positively impacts coaching effectiveness (Cropley, et al., 2012). This reflective report shall discuss, analyse and evaluate my own personal development throughout my first semester spent studying at UCFB, in order to develop new understanding and intrapersonal appreciation, and help explore my decisions and experiences, increasing understanding of†¦show more content†¦Reflecting daily upon these values will increase my ability to articulate a holistic coaching philosophy. A personal coaching philosophy can be used as a tool itself, enabling a coach to question their practices and develop their ow n understanding and knowledge (Nash, et al., 2008). Already being interested in Sports Psychology, the reflective learning practice was already something I was aware of and keen to know more about. Reflective practice is a self-analysis tool, by which practitioners can develop a greater level of self-awareness about the nature and impact of their performance, an awareness that creates opportunities for professional growth and development (Kottkamp Osterman, 1993). Reflective practice allows professionals to assess their performance, make sense of what happened and learn from mistakes and experiences in order to develop, improve and adapt. (Cropley, et al., 2012). Kottkamp and Osterman (1993) write in Reflective Practice for Educators: Improving Schooling through Professional Development that reflective practice is essential for behavioural change and improvement. They go on to eloquently describe what is needed to reflect effectively: â€Å"To gain a new level of insight into personal behaviour, the reflective practitioner assumes a dual stance, being, on one hand, the actor in a drama and, on the other hand, the critic who sits in the audience watching and analysing the entire performance. To achieveShow MoreRelatedReflective Critique790 Words   |  4 Pageselicits critical thinking skills that spawns opportunities for further personal development. This course of Professional Development is one means of developing reflective practice, linking the internal and external worlds of the practitioner. II. The Model of Reflective Practice: With the preceding information in mind, I have come to realize that reflective practice can be a very beneficial process in my own professional development as an educator, because both teaching and learning processes requiresRead MorePersonal Reflection And Development Plan1431 Words   |  6 PagesPersonal Reflection and Development Plan Reflective practice has helped many people to improve their learning. It is a valuable tool often used by healthcare and education providers to improve their approach to work by questioning their actions. Throughout my short time spent in Higher Education (HE) I have learned many new aspects of learning like different learning styles and models of reflection and this provides me with an opportunity to look back over these ideas and reflect. This will allowRead MoreThe Development Of A Pdp917 Words   |  4 Pagestool that clearly indicates identified challenges (learning or development needs) in order of priority. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Our Comprehensive Synthesis Of Available Evidence Showed A...

Our comprehensive synthesis of available evidence showed a strong association between the LISA and the risk of late/very late ST and MI during the post imaging follow up. The low incidence of ST events over 18,145 person-months follow up (≈1.4% ST per person-year) in LISA group explains the limited power of previous studies evaluating this association. Our results are consistent with a prior meta-analysis of five studies which found LISA to be associated with increased risk of late ST (OR = 6.51; 95% CI 1.34-34.91)(13). We extended these findings by including 11 additional studies and longer follow up of previous studies published subsequently. Also, we accounted for variable follow up period of included studies by using person-months as offset rather than the number of patients in each group. Moreover, as recommended in literature (17-18), we used multiple statistical methods as part of our sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of our findings. Our finding stood the test of these sensitivity analysis confirming a strong association between LISA ( and LAISA) and late/very late ST. Although we found a significant association between LISA and clinical events (ST and MI), our results do not establish a cause and effect relationship. The two cohorts, LISA and control, were unbalanced on one or more characteristics in all included studies. For instance, LISA group had longer stents and more commonly associated with acute coronary syndrome as the indication for PCI inShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of Patients At Lisa And Control Group Essay964 Words   |  4 Pagesstudy characteristics are shown in table 1. The characteristics of patients in LISA and control group are shown table 1S in supplement. The stent length was significantly longer in four studies, acute coronary syndrome as indication for PCI was more common in two studies and patients were younger in one study in LISA group compared to control. The independent predictors of LISA from multivariable analysis are shown in table 2S (Supplement). Nine studies did post-procedure imaging in addition to followRea d MoreNursing Essay41677 Words   |  167 PagesNational Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard for appropriate balance. This study was supported by Contract No. 65815 between the National Academy of Sciences and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the organizationsRead MoreAn Evaluation of an on-Farm Food Safety Program for Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Producers; a Global Blueprint for Fruit and Vegetable Producers51659 Words   |  207 PagesFresh fruits and vegetables have been increasingly linked to cases of foodborne illness. Many produce farmers have implemented on-farm food safety strategies, employing good agricultural practices focusing on water, handling and sanitation to reduce risk. An il lustrative case study to examine implementation trends was developed through the examination of current on-farm food safety issues and programs, with specific focus on the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG) hazard analysis criticalRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesArt Director: Kenny Beck Text and Cover Designer: Wanda Espana OB Poll Graphics: Electra Graphics Cover Art: honey comb and a bee working / Shutterstock / LilKar Sr. Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service Project Management: Christian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Read MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words   |  339 Pageshabits—habits that can boost anyone’s creative capacity.† author, e 7 Habits of Highly E ective People and e Leader in Me â€Å"Having worked with Clayton Christensen on innovation for over a decade, I can see that e Innovator’s DNA continues to stretch our thinking with insights that challenge convention and enable progress in the important cause of innovation . . . so critical to competitiveness and growth.† retired Chairman of the Board and CEO, e Procter Gamble Company Also by Clayton M. Christensen: Read MoreEssay about Summary of History of Graphic Design by Meggs14945 Words   |  60 PagesIslamic and European countries. - Most illuminated scripts were small enough to fit into a saddle bag. This allowed the transportation and portability of ideas. - The earliest surviving illustrated manuscript is the Vatican Vergil, created in the late 4th century by Publius Vergilius. - After the Western Roman Empire collapse in 476 AD, an era of dislocation and uncertainty ensued. - The thousand year medieval era lasted from the fifth century fall of Rome until the fifteenth century RenaissanceRead Morepreschool Essay46149 Words   |  185 PagesISBN 978-8011-1708-4 Ordering Information Copies of this publication are available for sale from the California Department of Education. For prices and ordering information, please visit the Department Web site at re/pn or call the CDE Press Sales Office at 1-800-995-4099. An illustrated Educational Resource Catalog describing publications, videos, and other instructional media available from the Department can be obtained without charge by writing to the CDE Press Read MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pages978–1–59158–406–3 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Library administration—United States. 2. Information services— United States—Management. I. Moran, Barbara B. II. Title. Z678.S799 2007 025.1—dc22 2007007922 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright  © 2007 by Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:Read MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 PagesManagement, Fourth Edition I. Management 17 17 2. The Evolution of Management Thought Hughes−Ginnett−Curphy †¢ Leadership, Fifth Edition I. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mercy and Justice free essay sample

Mercy and Justice: Can they coexist? Abstract This paper is about if mercy and Justice can co-exist. The paper discusses Justice in todays society, mercys role in the Justice system, and Gods mercy and Justice. Mercy and Justice can be viewed as two separate virtues. While Justice seeks resolution, mercy seeks forgiveness. This paper will discuss Justice in todays society, mercys role in the Justice system, and Gods mercy and Justice. According to dictionary. om,Justice is the quality of being Just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the Justice of a cause. The virtue demands that people have equal rights and opportunities. Everyone, from the poorest person to the wealthiest deserves an even playing field. From a political point of view one can say Justice is equal rights. However, the law does not necessarily mean Justice. According to an article Wit or Wisdom, the law, or Justice, dictates that we all deserve hell forever. We will write a custom essay sample on Mercy and Justice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We are sinners and a stench in the nose of God (Beckmann, 2007). This shows that while law is supposed to be right and Just and true, it is not always, and there are exceptions to many rules. Is Justice fair all of he time? In its narrower sense, Justice is fairness. For example, in the article Justice Versus Fairness, Maiese says, Justice is fairness. It is action that pays due regard to the proper interests, property, and safety of ones fellows The principles of Justice and fairness can be thought of as rules of fair play for issues of social Justice Social Justice requires both that the rules be fair, and also that people play by the rules (2003). Maiese says that Justice is fairness and that society requires both that the rules be fair, and also that people play by those rules. Mercy is often considered as an important virtue. According to dictionary. com, mercy is compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in ones power; compassion, pity, or benevolence: Have mercy on the poor sinner. However, mercy is not the matter of being nice and it is also does not mean the same thing as sympathy. For example, in article called Mercy vs. Justice on about . com, it says mercy entails that something less than Justice be one. If a convicted criminal asks for mercy, he is asking that he receive a punishment that is ess than what he is really due. This shows that mercy isnt always being nice and showing pity, it is Just giving a less punishment. When a Christian begs God for mercy, he or she is as king that God punish him or her less than what God is Justified in doing. Mercy is not the opposite of Justice, one would determine that mercy lies between the vices of cruelty and uncaring, while Justice lies between the vices of cruelty and softness (About. com). However, they are still not the same because if mercy is used to often or in the wrong situations, it can damage itself. For instance, if criminal asks for mercy and gets a lesser sentence than what his or her original sentence was, when he or she gets out of Jail, they would eventually go and commit proper price for their punishment. That is why Justice is needed because a good and working society requires presence of Justice. However, mercy is required because we all need mercy ourselves, according to A. C. Grayling. The writers of the Bible wrote a significant amount of material about two characteristics of God: mercy and Justice. An example of Gods mercy would be His merciful sacrifice and eternal presence allow s to talk with the Father (1 John 2:1; Hebrews 7:27), and through Christ we receive Gods mercy (Isaiah 53:4-6; 1 Timothy 1:2; 1 Peter 1:3). (Colley, 2004) This shows that we gain Gods mercy through Christs merciful sacrifice and eternal presence. When showing the Ten Commandments to Moses, God stated both his mercy and Justice. For example in Exodus 20:4-7 God shows his mercy and Justice, No carved gods of any size, shape, or form of anything whatever, whether of things that fly or walk or swim. Dont bow down to them and dont serve them because I am God, your God, nd Im a most Jealous God, punishing th e children for any sins their parents pass on to them to the third, and yes, even to the fourth generation of those who hate me. But Im unswervingly loyal to the thousands who love me and keep my commandments. No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter; God wont put up with the irreverent use of his name. This shows that Just as Gods mercy continues to exist, the Justice of God similarly is not limited. God is still serious about people serving Him, and about the consequences for people who choose not to serve Him. According o Colley the Justice and mercy of God have never contradicted each other. In fact, our perfect Creator balances the two qualities masterfully.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Now Featuring Me free essay sample

â€Å"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough†, that is a quote that I live by and I feel that everyone else should believe this also! My name is TJ, I go to high school, I was born on August 4th, I am currently seventeen years old, I live in Oak Lawn, and life has really just begun for me. I am a three sport athlete, I play hockey, run cross country, and track. The reason I have changed into the person I am today is because of all of the sports that I do throughout the school year. I am responsible, trustworthy, and a strong leader because of all of my sports that I do. During my lifetime I have realized that there have been many influences on me that have changed my life from the past to what it is like now, some influences for the better and others not so much. We will write a custom essay sample on Now Featuring Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One event that has made me the person I am today was joining cross country. In the summer I run with a dedicated group of people that want to achieve the same goal, winning. As I always say, â€Å"in order to be successful, you need to push yourself beyond your limits, and then once you’ve done that go even farther†. Most people think that us cross country runners are crazy, and they are probably right. In order to become good we must forget about the pain, and just run. As my coach says, â€Å"If you’re not dying, you’re not trying†. It is true that a person needs to be crazy to do cross country. Cross country also is one of the reasons why my personality changed from thinking I rule the world as a freshman, to realizing that everyone else has feelings and opinions as well. I have truly learned how to care about other people because of cross country. It is truly like a second family to me because we spend so much time together throughout the day. The other sport that has changed my life today is hockey. In order to play hockey, a person needs respect, discipline, and most importantly talent. Most people watch hockey on T.V. and think to themselves, â€Å"Wow that seems pretty easy, maybe I should try it†, but when they actually try, it is a lot harder than it looks. Everyone always pays attention to hockey especially during playoff time because they know how hard it is for the players, and the fans want to give them all of their support. One game that I will never forget about in my hockey season was probably the first game. We started the game off and for the first two periods I had a shutout going until tragedy struck. I got checked as goalie into the goal post and pretty much got destroyed in the process. The game ended up as a loss for my team afterwards because I couldn’t put pressure on my right ankle, which prevented me from being able to play my best. That is what taught me that hockey is a lot harder t han people think it can be. Hockey brought out the leadership for my personality because I was always telling my team what they needed to do to win. The other thing that made me the person I am today is my knowledge of my future career. Once I get past college, I want to open up my own restaurant that I can run for years to come afterwards. Ever since I started culinary arts here at Oak Lawn, I just can’t stop learning more about this topic. Thanks to this school program I learned one of my new passions for life. This program brought out my responsibility for my personality. During this class we always had to prepare the dishes and grab the right ingredients. This class also taught me how to follow directions very well which is very useful in the future. My mom always told me, â€Å"Really think about your plans for the future, and make sure that they are right for you†. The reason why I know so much about culinary arts right now is because of my parents. They would always have me help them cook dinner while they were in the kitchen. Without my parents I probably wouldn’t know half the stuff that I know righ t now. My parents are probably what gave me the inspiration to want to start a career in culinary arts. Cooking is probably one of the easiest professions in my opinion. I really look forward to advancing even farther into this profession and learning how to do even more special knife cuts, techniques, and many more ways to cook different cuisines. Cooking is so fun and is a very important job to keep because people always need to eat. Hopefully on my path to a great future I will meet some famous chefs and learn a couple things from them. Cooking really can bring out the personality of people especially during a full house. Ever since I was a kid I’ve wanted to go to different countries and learn what type of food that they eat every day. Just like people, meals can have a personality as well. During my lifetime I have realized that there have been many influences on me that have changed my life from the past to what it is like now, some influences for the better and others not so much. I have learned that living life to your fullest can be a very big decision for everyone. We have the choice to live life to the fullest, or completely blow it away and not do anything productive with it. What makes me different from other people is that I am a very good leader. I also managed to pick up good responsibility, trustworthiness, and inspiration on the way. My life truly shows a point of how people need to live their life to the fullest so they can be satisfied when they die. I will be one of those people!